摘要: 为寻求可直接计算消滩水力指标确定方法, 从船舶有效功率与滩上水流功率对比的角度提出了功率法, 并通过理论分析与滩段概化模型的船模上滩试验进行了验算。结果发现船舶自航上滩时其有效功率大于水流功率, 并随对岸航速的增加, 大于的幅度越大; 船舶不能自航上滩时, 其有效功率小于水流功率。可见, 与其他确定方法相比, 功率法可以通过滩段的水力条件和不同船型的性能资料直接计算消滩水力指标, 满足航运发展的远期设计需要, 可推广应用于急流滩险的航道整治工程设计。Abstract: In order to directly define the hydraulic parameter of rapids abating, power method was suggested according to the comparison of ship effective power and water flow power in rapids reach, and was verified by theoretic analysis and the test data of remote-control model while ship ascending rapid in generalized rapids reach.It is pointed that ship effective power was larger than water flow power while ascending rapid, the difference range increases with the sailing speed of opposite bank; while ship failed to ascend rapid, ship effective power was lower than water flow power.Analysis result shows that the method can directly determine the hydraulic parameter of rapids abating according to hydraulic conditions and the performance data of different ship types, can satisfy the future design of waterway development, and may be applied in the regulation design of rapids channel.
表 1 计算结果
Table 1. Calculation result
流量/ (m3·s-1) 水流速度/ (m·s-1) 水面比降 对岸航速/ (m·s-1) 水深/m 水流功率/kW 船舶有效功率/kW E/PE 0.05 3.04 0.008 7 0.00 0.109 121.84 103.40 0.85 3.29 0.010 5 0.00 0.107 122.87 135.93 0.90 3.47 0.006 6 0.00 0.085 110.07 72.69 1.51 3.39 0.000 2 1.58 0.096 15.80 199.29 0.08 3.21 0.005 3 0.61 0.106 74.46 155.24 0.48 3.53 0.000 0 1.57 0.092 14.72 204.73 0.07 3.44 0.000 6 1.81 0.094 24.30 209.88 0.12 0.04 3.22 0.013 5 0.00 0.093 155.82 132.92 1.17 3.60 0.011 5 0.00 0.079 156.10 148.65 1.05 3.00 0.011 0 1.04 0.098 77.68 162.99 0.48 3.57 0.000 3 1.52 0.080 27.28 204.43 0.13 3.18 0.005 2 0.93 0.097 80.77 166.22 0.49 0.03 2.87 0.011 6 0.00 0.082 124.11 118.51 1.05 3.02 0.013 9 0.00 0.074 158.26 124.78 1.27 3.04 0.005 0 0.00 0.067 106.54 114.09 0.93 2.74 0.003 0 1.73 0.086 59.10 178.08 0.33 3.04 0.004 1 0.88 0.081 69.34 158.36 0.44 2.77 0.003 5 1.47 0.081 65.85 169.35 0.39 2.85 0.000 2 1.57 0.073 27.17 176.62 0.15 2.86 0.012 0 0.76 0.082 158.43 146.70 1.08 0.02 3.98 0.001 1 0.00 0.061 120.37 108.40 1.11 2.89 0.004 2 0.00 0.058 102.91 97.71 1.05 3.07 0.010 6 0.00 0.062 137.07 126.73 1.08 2.89 0.004 2 0.00 0.058 86.52 81.23 1.07 3.07 0.010 6 0.00 0.062 137.07 126.73 1.08 2.64 0.008 3 1.07 0.066 89.30 149.08 0.60 0.01 2.41 0.009 5 0.00 0.043 136.53 99.60 1.37 2.53 0.012 5 0.00 0.042 173.75 104.63 1.66 3.58 0.000 6 0.42 0.048 79.22 163.31 0.49 1.80 0.004 6 0.75 0.047 85.86 102.42 0.84 -
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