摘要: 结合路网的拓扑结构, 定义了用于确定指路标志的状态函数集, 给出了3个描述路网拓扑特征的交叉口函数: 邻近结点集、结点-弧段夹角集和连通结点集, 基于Dijkstra最短路径的思想, 运用交叉口函数建立了城镇指路标志的标识模型: 以待标识城镇为中心, 在城镇的影响区域内, 通过向外搜索交叉口邻近结点集来确定指路标志的设置, 并使每个结点上标识的路径都是最优的。实例分析表明, 该模型生成的指路标志, 能有效地指引道路使用者前往目的地。Abstract: The modeling method of inter-town guide signs based on road network topology was discussed, the concepts of guide sign items were proposed, and the state functions of guide signs were given.Three intersection functions, such as adjacent node set, node-arc angle set and connected node set, were presented, and based on the shortest path method proposed by Dijkstra, a road guide sign model was built by using the intersection functions.The main idea of the model was as follows: destination city was taken as searching center, road guide signs were deployed by searching the adjacent node set of intersection in the influential region of the city, every path designated by road guide signs was an optimal one.Example analysed result shows that the road guide signs created by the model can effectually guide road users to aims.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- intersection /
- road guide sign /
- road network topology /
- optimal path
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