摘要: 为保证高速公路主线安全、畅通与舒适运行, 减少对相连道路的影响, 构造了匝道逻辑模糊控制器, 提出了三种入口匝道辅助设计方案。结合工程实际, 选择了上游车流密度、下游车流密度和入口处等待车辆的总长度作为模糊控制器的输入量, 入口匝道的调节率为输出量。计算结果表明, 随着入口匝道车辆数量的增加, 高速公路主线下游的车速将明显下降, 根据主线上、下游车流密度及匝道车辆的数量变化, 计算出不同的匝道调节率, 通过对高速公路入口匝道的调节率进行实时调节, 可控制匝道上车辆的进入, 入口匝道辅助方案的实施可缓解与高速公路相连道路的拥堵, 对改善高速公路运行安全和效率具有重要的作用。Abstract: In order to ensure the safe, expedite and comfortable operation of freeway mainline, and to lessen its influence on linked roads, a fuzzy logic controller of on-ramp was constructed, three kinds of auxiliary on-ramp projects were designed.In practical engineering, the upstream density, downstream density and entrance queue of vehicle-flux were selected as controller inputs, the metering rate of on-ramp was selected as controller output.Calculated result indicates that downstream vehicle speeds in mainline are decreasing obviously with the increasing of vehicle number in on-ramp; according to upstream density, downstream density and vehicle number, ramp metering rate can be calculated; the entrance of on-ramp vehicles can be controlled by the real-time adjusting of the metering rate of freeway on-ramp, the application of auxiliary projects can alleviate the congestion of linked roads, and improve the safety and efficiency of freeway running.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- on-ramp /
- fuzzy control /
- ramp metering rate /
- auxiliary projects
表 1 匝道收费站交通调查表
Table 1. Traffic investigation table of tollgate
00:00 00:20 00:40 01:00 01:20 01:40 02:00 02:20 02:40 03:00 上游车速/ (km·h-1) 80 75 80 80 80 80 75 70 80 80 下游车速/ (km·h-1) 80 75 80 70 65 60 60 50 50 60 匝道车辆数/[veh· (20 s)-1] 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 -
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