摘要: 为了对沙漠公路交通安全现状、事故特征和成因进行分析, 广泛收集了塔克拉玛干沙漠公路通车以来的交通事故统计数据, 并深入实地进行了调研。研究表明沙漠公路交通事故次数春秋高于冬季, 午间、傍晚和夜间相对较高; 交通事故自北向南逐渐减少, 然而事故的严重程度却是由北向南逐渐增加; 影响道路交通安全的天气现象主要有沙漠高温和风沙天气, 人是导致交通事故的主要因素, 主体是汽车驾驶员; 道路交通环境极易导致超速和违规; 公路沿线绿化工程在一定程度上影响行车安全; 沙漠公路上仍然缺乏必要的安全保障设施和应急反应机制。Abstract: In order to analyze the present situation, characteristics and main causes of traffic accidents on desert highway, the statistical data of traffic accidents were collected, and an interior field investigation was executed on Taklimakan desert highway.Study result shows that the numbers of traffic accidents are greater in spring and autumn than in winter, and the numbers are bigger at noon, in the evening and at night than the other daily time; the number of traffic accidents decreases from north to south along Taklimakan desert highway, but the ponderance of traffic accidents increases from north to south; main weather factors that affect traffic safety are high temperature and strong wind; driver is the main cause of traffic accidents; traffic environment often causes drivers breaking traffic rules; trees planted along desert highway also affect driving safety in a certain extent; there are still some shortages of essential safety guarantee facilities and reaction mechanism on desert highway.
表 1 交通量及交通事故数
Table 1. Traffic volumes and traffic accident numbers
事故参数 年份 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 交通量/ (veh·d-1) 北段 950 970 980 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 100 1 100 南段 180 210 220 190 180 170 180 170 180 170 合计 1 130 1 180 1 200 1 190 1 180 1 170 1 180 1 170 1 180 1 170 事故数/起 71 18 6 3 11 31 51 72 56 84 受伤人数/人 10 7 4 1 4 50 22 21 64 60 死亡人数/人 1 7 5 4 6 15 11 32 29 37 经济损失/万元 60.72 20.85 11.20 2.90 16.50 43.52 63.01 84.33 72.47 79.23 -
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