Effect of rail irregularity wavelength on lateral runningcomfort of speed-raised train
摘要: 为提高列车在提速区段的乘坐舒适性, 借助于现场试验测试数据, 运用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论, 通过轨道随机不平顺功率谱变换得到不同波长的不平顺, 研究了线路不平顺波长对列车运行平稳性及乘坐舒适性的影响及规律。分析结果表明: 提速机车以150km.h-1速度在直线轨道上运行时, 如果线路不平顺波长为1~20m, 则车体振动主频主要集中在2.20~4.00Hz, 避开了人体正常敏感频率, 平稳性指标属优级; 如果线路不平顺波长为20~30m, 则车体振动主频降低至1.50Hz左右, 正好处于人体敏感频率范围, 乘坐舒适性大大降低, 平稳性指标值增加了20%多; 更长的波长(大于30m)对机车运行平稳性影响较小, 指标与1~20m波长的相应值处于相同等级。可见, 对于既有提速线路, 必须严格控制不平顺的20~30m波长, 虽然该波段的不平顺幅值很小, 但对列车在提速区段车体横向振动影响甚大。Abstract: In order to improve the riding comfort of speed-raised train, the effect of rail irregularity wavelength on the running comfort of speed-raised train was analyzed by means of experimental data and based on vehicle-track coupling dynamics, the irregularities with different wavelengthes were calculated from rail power spectral density. Analysis result shows that if the wavelength range is from 1 to 20 m, the main frequency of carbody vibration is in the scope from 2.20 to 4.00 Hz and the riding index of speed-raised train is excellent at a speed of 150 km·h-1; if the wavelength scope is from 20 to 30 m, the main frequency will decrease to the level of 1.50 Hz, which is accordable to the sensitive frequency of body, the riding comfort will reduce greatly, and the riding index will increase by more than 20%; the long wavelength is more than 30 m, the riding comfort changes little, and the riding index is the same as that of medium wave range from 1 to 20 m. Obviously, in order to improve riding comfort of speed-raised train, much measure should be taken to control the wavelength scope from 20 to 30 m on existing lines.
Key words:
- railway engineering /
- speed-raised train /
- wavelength /
- irregularity /
- frequency domain /
- lateral vibration
表 1 车体横向加速度响应指标
Table 1. Response indices of carbody lateral acceleration
波长范围/m 1~20 1~30 21~30 31~40 31~200 车体横向平稳性指标 2.41 2.91 2.84 2.40 2.50 车体振动主频范围/Hz 2.20~4.00 1.40~1.76 1.40~1.66 1.00~1.50 1.12~1.50 车体振动峰值频率/Hz 2.25 1.56 1.49 1.39 1.44 车体振动加速度最大频谱峰值/[m·(s2·Hz)-1] 0.05 0.14 0.13 0.08 0.09 -
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