摘要: 为了确保流线型列车头部结构与外形一致, 分析了流线型头部外形与结构特点, 在Auto-CAD的ARX、Ⅰ-deas的OpenⅠ-deas平台上, 提出了流线型列车头部外形与结构设计制造一体化方法。它包含三个模块: 一是应用非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)曲线曲面造型原理进行外形设计; 二是应用NURBS曲面的求交理论和三维几何造型技术进行结构设计; 三是采用NURBS曲线的线段拟合理论编制结构平面曲梁数控加工模块。实验表明该方法能按照人们的意志自由、快速地设计复杂的流线型列车头部外形, 自动生成以平面曲梁构成的网格状头部结构, 并针对不同的数控切割设备, 生成相应的平面板梁数控加工文件; 将过去传统的由设计、工艺、加工等多部门协作耗时的工作, 集中由计算机自动完成, 实现了列车头部设计制造一体化的重大变革。Abstract: In order to insure that the streamlined shape of train head is consistent with its structure, the characters of the shape and structure were analyzed, and a design and manufacture integrative method of the shape and structure was developed on the ARX of AutoCAD and the Open I-deas of I-deas software flat roof. The method includes three modules. The first is shape design module based on non uniform rational B spline(NURBS) theory, the second is structure design module based on the intersection theory between two NURBS surfaces and 3-D geometric modeling technique, the third is NC machining module of bend sheet-beams of head structure based on line approximation form of NURBS and programming technique. Applied result shows that the complex streamlined shape of train head can be promptly and freely designed according to human's will, the head grid structure made up of bend sheet-beams can be created automatically, and the relevant NC machining files of bend sheet-beams are made aimed at the different NC machining tools; the time-cost works, formerly cooperated among the departments of design, technique and machine, are fully finished by computer, an important revolution is realized in the design and manufacture of train head.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- streamlined strain /
- NURBS curve and surface /
- bend sheet-beam /
- NC machining
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