摘要: 为了满足船舶驾驶员在航海活动中及时获取沿海潮流信息的需要, 采用Backhaus三维非线性分层潮流数值模型, 计算了黄海与渤海7000余计算点不同深度的潮流调和常数, 开发了黄海与渤海三维潮流数值预报软件。实验结果表明, 该软件可以在船上即时预报黄海与渤海任意点、任意时刻不同深度的潮流信息, 同时可以在电子海图上显示出海区的潮流场, 预报的表层潮流流向、流速曲线与实测海流曲线变化趋势一致, 拟合良好, 精度较高, 达到了实用的程度, 可以较好地为航海活动提供服务, 保障船舶航行的安全。Abstract: In order to make mariner instantly acquire tidal current information in marine activities, a 3-D tidal current numerical prediction software of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea was developed, based on the 3-D model established by Backhaus, the harmonic constants of tidal current at 7 000 points in different sea levels were calculated. Using the software, mariner can instantly obtain the charts of numerically predicted tidal current fields and tidal current information at any time and any point in Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Both curves of numerically predicted surface tidal current and measured surface current agree well, prediction accuracy is high, and the software can provide beneficial service for marine activities.
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