Carrying capacity analysis of asphalt concrete and continuously reinforced concrete composite pavement
摘要: 为了防止公路的早期破坏, 为长寿命路面结构研究提供理论依据与技术支持, 应用有限元方法对沥青混凝土与连续配筋混凝土复合式路面进行了温度场与疲劳应力分析。分析结果表明: 小于4cm的沥青混凝土面层主要用于改善路面使用性能; 大于4cm的沥青混凝土面层可以有效改善路面的温度场, 每增加2cm, 可满足15%~20%的超载要求。可见该复合式路面能够承受重载和一定程度的超载而不发生疲劳破坏。Abstract: In order to prevent the early destruction of highway, provide theoretic analysis and technology support for the study of long life pavement structure, the thermal field and fatigue stress of asphalt concrete and continuously reinforced concrete(AC+CRC) composite pavement were analyzed by finite element method. Analysis result shows that the asphalt concrete layer with less than 4 cm thickness is mainly used to improve pavement performance, while the asphalt concrete layer with more than 4 cm thickness can improve pavement thermal field effectively, every adding 2 cm asphalt concrete can meet 15%~20% overload. It is indicated that the composite pavement can withstand heavy load and overload to a certain extent to avoid pavement fatigue destruction.
表 1 路面结构参数
Table 1. Structure parameters of pavement
表 3 路面材料的热学参数
Table 3. Thermal parameters of pavement materials
表 4 CRC层最大温度梯度
Table 4. Maximum thermal grads of CRC layer
表 5 CRC层温度应力
Table 5. Thermal stresses of CRC layer
表 6 CRC与AC层荷载应力
Table 6. Load stresses of CRC layer and AC layer
表 7 总疲劳应力
Table 7. Total fatigue stresses
表 8 作用次数
Table 8. Acting times
表 9 不同超载下荷载疲劳应力
Table 9. Load fatigue stresses of different overloads MPa
表 10 不同超载下总疲劳应力
Table 10. Total fatigue stresses of different overloads MPa
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