摘要: 为探讨国产硬质沥青在桥面铺装浇注式沥青混凝土中的适用性, 参考国外常用的硬质沥青类型, 优选国产直馏硬质沥青、实验室自行研制的PmB45沥青以及德国进口的PmB25沥青, 通过贯入度试验、高温车辙试验、低温弯曲试验以及疲劳试验, 系统评价了硬质沥青浇注式沥青混凝土的性能。研究发现国产硬质沥青满足国内外相关浇注式沥青混凝土的胶结料技术要求, 改性硬质沥青浇注式沥青混凝土的弯曲性能与疲劳性能优于直馏硬质沥青浇注式沥青混凝土, 但三种硬质沥青浇注式沥青混凝土的高温抗车辙能力有限, 建议应用于中国气温较低的北方地区。Abstract: To discuss the applicability of domestic hard bitumen in bridge deck gussasphalt paving, the types of overseas common hard bitumen were analyzed, domestic hard bitumen, PmB45 made in laboratory and PmB25 made in Germany were selected, by means of indentation test, wheel track test, bending beam test and fatigue test, the performances of the gussasphalts made with the hard bitumens were evaluated. The result shows that the performances of the gussasphalt made with domestic hard bitumen meet the criterion of gussasphalt binder, the bending and fatigue performances of the gussasphalt made with modified hard bitumen excel that of the gussasphalt made with direct hard bitumen, but the rut resistances of the three kinds of gussasphalts are limited, and it is proposed that the made gussasphalts may be used in northern China.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- gussasphalt /
- domestic hard bitumen /
- road performance
表 1 硬质沥青的技术指标
Table 1. Properties of hard bitumens
表 2 胶结料性能
Table 2. Properties of gussasphalt binders
表 3 车辙试验结果
Table 3. Rut test results
表 4 弯曲试验结果
Table 4. Bending test results
表 5 疲劳试验结果
Table 5. Fatigue test results
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