Performance comparison of asphalt macadam mixtures based on different molding methods
摘要: 为研究不同成型方法对沥青碎石混合料性能的影响及相关试验指标, 分别采用旋转压实法、振动压实法与大型马歇尔击实法成型沥青碎石混合料试件, 对试件各项马歇尔指标与采用不同振动时间成型的试件体积指标进行了对比分析, 并根据压实功相同原理, 提出了基于旋转压实成型法和振动压实成型法设计的4个指标范围。对比分析结果表明, 2种方法的指标范围基本相同, 仅沥青饱和度下限有5%差别; 同时强调, 在施工碾压时需保证足够的压实时间, 才能使沥青碎石混合料达到预期的设计效果。Abstract: In order to study the influences of different molding methods on the performances of asphalt macadam mixtures and the indices of mixture tests, three molding methods were utilized, including large scale Marshall molding method, rolling molding method and vibrating molding method, the Marshall indices of asphalt macadam mixtures compacted by the three methods were compared, and the volume indices of asphalt macadam mixtures with different vibration times were analyzed.Based on the principle of same compaction power, the ranges of four indices designed by using rolling molding method and vibrating molding method were put forward aimed at asphalt macadam mixtures.Test result shows that the ranges of different indices aimed at the two methods are nearly same, only with a difference of 5% in asphalt saturation degree, and enough compaction time is required for asphalt macadam mixtures in construction and compaction, so that they have good road performances.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- asphalt macadam mixtures /
- molding method /
- performance comparison
表 1 混合料级配
Table 1. Mixture gradations
筛孔尺寸/mm 不同级配各筛孔的通过率/% 2# 4# 6# 0.075 2.7 4.0 5.3 0.150 4.3 6.5 8.6 0.300 6.3 9.5 12.6 0.600 8.7 13.0 17.3 1.180 11.7 17.5 23.3 2.360 15.7 23.5 31.3 4.750 20.0 30.0 40.0 9.500 32.6 41.0 49.4 13.200 42.2 49.5 56.7 16.000 48.6 55.0 61.4 19.000 57.1 62.5 67.8 26.500 77.1 80.0 82.8 31.500 94.3 95.0 95.7 37.500 100.0 100.0 100.0 表 2 马歇尔试验结果
Table 2. Result of Marshall test
级配类型 密度/(g·cm-3) 空隙率/% 矿料间隙率/% 沥青饱和度/% 稳定度/kN 流值/0.1mm 模数/(kN·mm-1) 2# 2.472 6.36 12.16 58.98 18.44 34.70 6.12 4# 2.484 5.54 12.05 63.51 26.64 32.90 8.51 6# 2.476 6.00 11.33 65.38 30.95 38.73 8.14 表 3 旋转压实试验结果
Table 3. Result of rolling compaction test
级配类型 密度/(g·cm-3) 空隙率/% 矿料间隙率/% 沥青饱和度/% 稳定度/kN 流值/0.1mm 模数/(kN·mm-1) 2# 2.473 6.31 11.06 63.69 18.50 41.80 4.42 4# 2.492 5.24 11.82 62.97 26.70 46.35 5.94 6# 2.476 5.98 12.06 60.48 31.03 45.95 6.91 表 4 振动成型试验结果
Table 4. Result of vibrating compaction test
级配类型 振动时间/s 密度/(g·cm-3) 空隙率/% 矿料间隙率/% 沥青饱和度/% 稳定度/kN 流值/0.1mm 模数/(kN·mm-1) 2# 80 2.477 6.17 12.18 58.91 19.67 55.90 3.56 4# 50 2.433 7.49 13.09 57.37 9.16 56.85 1.62 65 2.461 6.42 12.77 59.44 18.05 51.13 3.61 80 2.498 5.02 12.04 64.01 27.65 46.00 8.23 6# 80 2.480 5.85 11.23 66.12 31.61 44.15 7.16 表 5 旋转压实试验与马歇尔试验指标比值
Table 5. Index ratios between rolling compaction test and Marshall test
级配类型 成型方法 密度比值 空隙率比值 矿料间隙率比值 沥青饱和度比值 稳定度比值 流值比值 模数比值 2# 旋转压实100次, 马歇尔击实112次 1.001 0.992 0.910 1.101 1.003 1.205 0.723 4# 旋转压实100次, 马歇尔击实112次 1.003 0.945 0.980 0.998 1.002 1.409 0.698 6# 旋转压实100次, 马歇尔击实112次 1.000 0.996 1.064 0.940 1.002 1.186 0.880 表 6 旋转压实成型法控制指标
Table 6. Control indices of rolling compaction method
指标 设计空隙率/% 沥青饱和度/% 矿料间隙率/% 马歇尔稳定度/kN 建议标准 5.00~6.00 60.00~70.00 > 11.00 > 20.00 表 7 马歇尔指标比值
Table 7. Marshall index ratios
级配类型 成型方法 密度比值 空隙率比值 矿料间隙率比值 沥青饱和度比值 稳定度比值 流值比值 模数比值 2# 振动压实80 s, 马歇尔击实112次 1.002 0.970 1.001 0.999 1.067 1.611 0.582 4# 振动压实50 s, 马歇尔击实112次 0.979 1.350 1.086 0.902 0.344 1.728 0.191 振动压实65 s, 马歇尔击实112次 0.991 1.157 1.059 0.935 0.678 1.554 0.424 振动压实80 s, 马歇尔击实112次 1.006 0.906 0.998 1.007 1.038 1.398 0.967 6# 振动压实80 s, 马歇尔击实112次 1.002 0.975 0.991 1.011 1.021 1.140 0.824 表 8 振动压实成型法控制指标
Table 8. Control indices of vibrating compaction method
指标 设计空隙率/% 沥青饱和度/% 矿料间隙率/% 马歇尔稳定度/kN 建议标准 5.00~6.00 55.00~70.00 > 11.00 > 20.00 表 9 振动时间影响结果
Table 9. Influence result of vibrating time
级配类型 成型方法 密度比值 空隙率比值 矿料间隙率比值 沥青饱和度比值 稳定度比值 流值比值 模数比值 4# 振动压实65 s, 马歇尔击实112次 0.991 1.158 1.059 0.935 0.678 1.554 0.424 4# 振动压实50 s, 马歇尔击实112次 0.980 1.350 1.086 0.903 0.344 1.728 0.191 -
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