摘要: 为了达到路内与路外停车的合理匹配, 减小停车成本, 从路内停车带与路外停车场匹配关系入手, 分析了车辆停放者选择停车场行为, 分别量化了路内车辆停放者和路段车辆出行者的社会成本, 综合考虑路内停车对道路交通流延误的影响、绕行距离、收费差额以及个体时间效益的基础上, 提出了一种基于停车成本整体最小的路内停车带设置规模优化模型, 设计了求解模型的内点法。实例计算结果表明, 与设置路内停车带之前相比, 优化后停车平均绕行距离减少了63.0%, 停车综合成本下降了37.3%, 可以看出路内停车带规模模型能够优化路内与路外停车之间匹配关系, 使停车系统综合成本最小。Abstract: In order to form the proper matching relationship between curb parking and off-street parking, decrease parking cost, the matching relationship was analyzed, the parking choice behaviors of drivers were studied, the social costs of curb parking and road vehicle travelling were analyzed separately, the effect of curb parking on traffic delay, the circuitous distance, charge balance and individual time benefit of parking were considered synthetically, an optimization model of urban curb parking setting scale based on minimizing parking cost was put forward, and an inner-spot algorithm of the model was designed.Calculation result shows that the average parking circuitous distance of travelling vehicle and whole parking cost are decreased by 63.0% and 37.3% respectively.It is obvious that the optimization model can optimize the matching relationship between curb parking and off-street parking, and minimize parking system integrated cost.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- curb parking /
- matching relationship /
- nonlinear optimization /
- inner-spot algorithm
表 1 相关参数
Table 1. Correlative parameters
参数 λ/(pcu·h-1) u/(pcu·h-1) A/(元·h-1) ma/(人·pcu-1) f1(t)/元 取值 7.2 0.47 1.5 1.5 2.4 200 30 参数 t1/s W/m Qp/pcu Pd/个 Pmax/个 取值 4.5 30 15 800 90 54 表 2 计算结果
Table 2. Computation result
参数 路内停车带拒停车辆数/(pcu·h-1) 平均绕行距离/m D/h 设置路内停车带长度/m 最佳路内停车泊位规模/个 结果 0.092 74 5.2 180 30 -
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