Noise reduction effect of noise barrier made of sound-absorbed bricks with resonance cavities along expressway
摘要: 为解决交通噪声对高速公路两侧村庄声环境影响问题, 根据已建成公路交通噪声监测结果, 给出高速公路交通噪声预测模型, 对两侧声环境敏感点的交通噪声级进行计算, 提出公路两侧分布村庄段采用双侧共振腔吸声砖吸声型声屏障降噪方法。声屏障工程实例及降噪监测结果表明, 共振腔吸声砖声屏障降噪量达13~16 dB, 具有构造简单, 施工方便, 造价低等特点, 环境效益和经济效益比较显著。Abstract: In order to solve the problem of acoustic environment impact resulted from traffic noise on the villages along expressway, the traffic noise of constructed expressway was monitored, a forecasting model of traffic noise was given to calculate the traffic noise levels, and a noise reduction method was proposed, that noise barrier was made of sound-absorbed bricks with resonance cavities on both sides of expressway.Noise barrier engineering and noise monitoring result indicate that the method is feasible, the noise level is decreased by 13~16 dB, the structure of the barrier is simple, its cost is low, its construction is easy, and its environment and economic benefits are obvious.
表 1 环境噪声预测值
Table 1. Forecast values of environmental noise
桩号 村名 距路中心线距离/m 敏感点高程/m 背景值/dB 年份 预测值/dB 超标量/dB 昼间 夜间 昼间 夜间 昼间 夜间 K9+150 詹家村 路东40 低于路肩4.4 54.7 47.5 2005 63.9 55.9 0 0.5 2010 68.7 60.5 0 5.5 2020 69.7 61.7 0 6.7 K9+400 郭家村 路西47 低于路肩4.4 56.7 47.5 2005 63.9 55.9 0 0.9 2010 68.7 60.5 0 5.5 2020 69.7 61.7 0 6.7 表 2 降噪监测结果
Table 2. Result of noise reduction monitoring
监测点位置 ΔL/dB 路边噪声级/dB 交通量/(veh·h-1) 距声屏障19.3 m处 距声屏障24.7 m处 距声屏障60.0 m处 大型车 中型车 小型车 合计 K9+150詹家村 4.0 13.8 6.0 71.7 39 45 96 180 7.1 15.7 8.3 74.5 45 30 71 156 3.6 12.8 12.4 71.9 21 30 102 153 7.1 13.4 10.8 76.3 27 27 96 150 5.9 14.8 10.7 77.0 24 48 147 219 5.0 14.9 14.9 73.7 12 21 105 138 7.9 13.8 8.9 75.5 9 30 90 129 K9+400郭家村 8.0 13.5 5.6 77.2 0 18 117 135 5.1 14.8 8.0 75.4 21 64 114 189 8.0 13.7 15.1 75.3 66 45 102 213 6.6 13.5 9.0 76.4 21 30 102 153 6.7 13.3 7.4 78.6 6 33 138 183 5.4 16.3 6.6 78.1 15 18 111 144 4.3 15.1 4.7 74.7 18 30 111 159 5.1 12.5 10.4 76.0 21 33 93 147 注: 距声屏障24.7 m处为声屏障的设计参照点。 -
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