摘要: 为优化农产品物流中心经营规模, 分析了农产品物流中心的经营行为, 将规模收益率引入物流中心经营规模优化中, 建立了一种基于生产函数和规模收益率的物流中心经济规模优化模型, 计算了物流中心经营规模与规模收益率的关系。以寿光市农产品物流中心为例, 对优化模型进行了应用, 规模收益率计算结果在模型确定的范围内, 且随物流中心资本与劳动力投入的增长, 物流中心规模收益率呈现先递增后递减的特征, 结果表明优化模型是可行的, 可以用来衡量物流中心经营规模的经济性。Abstract: In order to optimize the economic scale of agricultural products logistics center, its production function, scale profit ratio and economic behavior were analyzed, and the relation of scale profit ratio and logistics center scale was calculated.Shouguang logistics center of agricultural products was taken as an example to validate the optimized model.Calculation result shows that the scale profit ratio is in the determination scope of the model, it begins to increase with the growing of labor and capital investments, and then to decrease with the continuous growing, which indicates that the optimized model is feasible, can be used to evaluate economic property of the operational scale of logistics center.
表 1 资本与劳动力投入
Table 1. Investments of labor and capital
年份 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 固定资本/万元 134.0 337.7 242.0 839.5 562.6 645.2 流动资本/万元 329.2 333.3 856.2 476.3 92.2 11.7 劳动力投入/h 880103 6884440 9371180 9461625 8896264 7693629 表 2 计算结果
Table 2. Calculation result
年份 x1 x2 x1x2 x12x2 x1x22 x13x2 x1x23 1996 88 463.2 4076 358000 18880773 315657842 8745574000 1997 70 440.0 30800 2154300 135500 150920000 5963000000 1998 93 1098.2 102132 949560 112162021 883344857 12320000000 1999 94 363.2 34140 3209352 1239983 301668108 4503657684 2000 90 470.4 42336 3810200 12310540 342921600 9367947500 2001 80 635.5 50680 4054400 1991154 32435200 2033901100 -
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