Analysis model of vertical vibration of high-speed train and Bögle slab track system
摘要: 研究了博格板式轨道结构特点, 提出了横向有限条与板段单元高速列车与轨道系统竖向振动分析模型, 分析了此系统竖向振动特性。高速列车的动车及拖车均离散为具有二系悬挂的多刚体系统, 基于弹性系统动力学总势能不变值原理及形成系统矩阵的“对号入座”法则, 建立了高速列车-博格板式轨道系统竖向振动方程组, 采用Wilson-θ法对其求解。计算结果表明: 钢轨与博格板竖向静、动态位移之差分别为1.1×10-2与2.0×10-4 mm, 200 km·h-1车速下此系统竖向振动响应计算波形图及量值均符合物理概念, 这说明模型正确、可行。
- 铁道工程 /
- 高速列车 /
- 博格板式轨道 /
- 横向有限条与板段单元 /
- 竖向振动
Abstract: According to the structural characteristics of Bögle slab track, a new model of lateral finite strip and slab segment element was put forward, and the vertical vibration responses of high-speed train and Bögle slab track system were analyzed.In the model, the locomotive and trailer of high-speed train were regarded as multi-rigid body systems with two suspensions, based on the principle of total potential energy with stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the rule of "set-in-right-position" for formulating system matrixes, the vertical vibration equation set of the system was established, and the equation set was solved by Wilson-θ method. Computation result shows that the new model is correct and feasible, the differences between the vertical static displacements and dynamic displacements of rail and Bögle slab are 1.1×10-2 mm and 2.0×10-4 mm respectively, when train runs at 200 km·h-1, the vertical vibration response waveforms and computation values of the system accord with corresponding physic concepts. -
表 1 计算结果比较
Table 1. Comparison of computation results
计算项目 本文模型 文献[15]中模型 钢轨竖向位移/mm 0.803 0 0.792 0 博格板竖向位移/mm 0.001 0 0.000 8 -
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