Interval mathematics analysis method of running parameters influence on automobile fuel economy
摘要: 为了提高汽车燃油经济性, 介绍了区间数学基本概念, 运用Matlab建立了发动机万有特性的数学模型, 应用区间数学分析了公交汽车在运行过程中行驶车速、载质量、道路阻力系数等运行参数波动对汽车燃油经济性的影响程度。分析结果表明: 车速波动对汽车油耗量的影响程度随着车速的增大而明显增大, 但汽车油耗量的波动随载质量的不同相差不大; 道路阻力系数波动对汽车油耗量的影响最大, 其次是载质量和行驶车速。Abstract: In order to improve automobile fuel economy, the basic concept of interval mathematics was introduced, the mathematic model of engine universal characteristics was set up by using Matlab, the influence degrees of driving speed, loading mass and road resistance coefficient on automobile fuel economy were analyzed by using interval mathematics.Analysis result indicates that fuel wastage increases with the increase of automobile speed, but it almost changes with the variety of loading mass; the influence of road resistance coefficient is maximal, then to be loading mass and driving speed.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- fuel economy /
- running parameters /
- interval mathematics
表 1 车辆参数
Table 1. Vehicle parameters
参数名称 参数值 机械五档变速器各档速比ig 5.32, 3.00, 1.63, 1.00, 0.74 主减速器速比i0 5.571 迎风面积A/m2 7.257 空阻系数CD 0.6 传动系效率ηT 0.90(直接档), 0.85(其余档) 最大载质量mmax/kg 11350 最小载质量mmin/kg 7830 车轮滚动半径r/m 0.572 最大爬坡能力/% 不小于20 最高车速/(km·h-1) 不小于90 表 2 Ua与Qs关系
Table 2. Relationship between Uaand Qs
Ua/(km·h-1) Qs模拟值 Qs区间计算值 Qs波动范围/% 10 17.05 [16.42, 17.68] 7.40 20 15.84 [15.05, 16.60] 9.79 30 14.91 [14.04, 15.83] 12.01 40 14.30 [13.34, 15.37] 14.19 50 14.05 [13.00, 15.31] 16.44 60 14.22 [13.11, 15.70] 18.22 表 3 m与Qs的关系
Table 3. Relationship between m and Qs
载质量/kg Ua/(km·h-1) Qs模拟值 Qs区间计算值 Qs波动范围/% 7830 10 12.37 [11.00, 13.77] 22.40 30 10.94 [9.74, 12.18] 22.30 50 10.51 [9.45, 11.61] 20.56 11350 10 17.05 [15.14, 19.04] 22.87 30 14.91 [13.24, 16.65] 21.87 50 14.05 [12.59, 15.58] 21.28 表 4 φ与Qs的关系
Table 4. Relationship betweenφand Qs
载质量/kg φ Qs模拟值 Qs区间计算值 Qs波动范围/% 7830 0.01 10.53 [9.37, 11.71] 22.23 0.02 19.22 [17.07, 21.46] 22.84 0.03 27.44 [24.55, 30.48] 21.61 0.04 36.42 [32.66, 40.47] 21.44 0.05 47.24 [41.53, 53.64] 25.64 11350 0.01 14.58 [12.95, 16.26] 22.70 0.02 26.59 [23.76, 29.57] 21.85 0.03 39.93 [35.58, 44.69] 22.81 0.04 57.84 [49.94, 66.89] 29.31 0.05 82.95 [69.35, 98.86] 35.58 -
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