摘要: 基于现代排序理论的建模思想, 分析了飞机对发动机的需求特性和发动机使用维修的周转特点, 引入工作节的概念, 建立了基于视情维修策略的航空发动机调度模型, 提出了求解模型的改进在线LPT算法, 并以CF6型发动机的使用数据验证了本方法的有效性。发现排序规则是调度计划的重要影响因素, LPT规则与传统的FCFS规则相比, 发动机在翼时间长, 送修次数少, 保障率高, 租赁损失成本低。分析结果表明: LPT规则优于传统的FCFS规则, 基于视情维修策略的航空发动机调度模型有效、可行。Abstract: Based on the modeling thought of modern scheduling theory, the requirement property for aeroengines and the turnover property of aeroengine maintenance were analyzed, the concept of work note was introduced, a scheduling model of aeroengines under condition-based maintenance strategy was established, an online longest processing time (LPT) rule algorithm was improved for solving the model, and the used data of CF6 aeroengines were studied. It is pointed that aimed at aeroengine, on-wing time is longer, maintenance time is lower, guarantee rate is higher, and rental loss cost is lower when LPT rule is compared with traditional first come first serve (FCFS) rule. Analysis result indicates that LPT rule is better than FCFS rule, and the model is feasible.
表 1 寿命矩阵
Table 1. Life matrix
发动机编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 第1次在翼寿命/d 218 1 069 271 366 152 713 592 151 420 487 117 681 300 118 49 151 216 674 321 205 537 411 205 186 98 第2次在翼寿命/d 1 069 139 530 900 243 216 718 90 860 491 373 437 705 188 684 281 664 553 698 214 741 378 858 971 352 表 2 发动机调度计划
Table 2. Aeroengine scheduling
序列号 机位序号 发动机号 送修次数 送修返回时刻(1) /d 在翼时间/d 开始时刻/d 下发时刻/d 送修返回时刻(2) /d 1 1 2 0 0 1 069 0 1 069 1 129 ή ή ή ή ή ή ή ή ή 64 8 2 1 1 129 139 1 209 1 348 1 408 65 17 23 2 1 188 103 1 225 1 328 1 388 表 3 计算结果比较
Table 3. Comparison of computation results
排序次数 缺发次数 总缺发时间/d 租赁成本/元 备件保障率/% 实际情况 67 10 194 213 400 99.249 改进在线LPT算法 65 4 100 110 000 99.613 比较结果 2 6 94 103 400 0.364 -
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