摘要: 为了充分利用电子海图信息, 进行航线设计, 提出了基于动态网格模型的航线自动生成算法。采用一个判断网格模型中方格可航性的快速算法, 对方格的可航性进行分类; 给出了一个有效地使用8个字节表示邻接方格8个方向的编码方法, 使邻接方格的连通性与字节的逻辑操作相对应; 提出了网格路径权序列均匀度概念, 给出了距离等长路径的优选方法, 分析了路径与所对应的实际航路长度的差异; 基于二分查找法, 求出航线上所有转向点的路径方格序列。研究结果表明: 基于动态网格模型所生成的航线可避开危险的障碍物, 是合理、安全的。Abstract: In order to use the abundant information of electronic chart to plan route, an automatic creating algorithm of route based on dynamic grid model was put forward. The navigability of every single square in the model was judged and classified by using a fast algorithm. A coding scheme of square connectivity was proposed, square connectivity in eight directions was expressed by using byte with eight bits, so that square connectivity corresponds to the logical operation of byte.A concept of uniformity degree of path weigh in grid was given, and a method was proposed to select the optimal path from the same distance routes. The error analysis of the shortest path was done. The path square sequence of all redirection points in route was solved by using dimidiate search algorithm. Study result shows that the route generated by the algorithm is safe and rational because of keeping away from dangerous obstacles.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- grid model /
- route planning /
- electronic chart
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