摘要: 为了提高船舶操纵模拟器的精度, 应用船舶操纵性分离建模理论, 基于傅汝德-克雷诺夫假设, 将船舶近似为箱型船, 估算波浪对船舶六自由度运动的干扰力与力矩, 并将波浪的干扰力与力矩作为外力与力矩的一部分, 叠加到分离型船舶运动数学模型中, 建立了船舶在规则波作用下六自由度船舶运动的数学模型, 给出5级海况下船舶全速旋回运动响应的时间历程仿真曲线。仿真结果显示: 仿真结果与相关文献结果相近, 运动趋势一致, 能够满足大型船舶操纵模拟器对船舶运动数学模型仿真的精度要求, 同时船舶运动数学模型由3自由度增至6自由度, 提高了模拟的逼真度。Abstract: In order to improve the precision of ship-handling simulator, a ship motion mathematical model with six degrees of freedom(DOF) in regular wave was put forward by using separate modeling theory based on Froude-Krylov hypothesis. In the model, ship was regarded as trunk ship, the interferential forces and moments of regular wave were calculated, and were regarded as a part of external forces to add to the model respectively. A practice ship's data was used to create the model. The time curves of ship's turning motion at full speed under 5 kinds of sea states were simulated and analyzed. Analysis result shows that the model is feasible, simulation curves near to the result of relative reference, their trends are coincident, the precision of the model meets with the requirement of full mission ship-handling simulator; ship motion mathematical model is updated from three to six DOFs, so that simulator fidelity is improved.
表 1 实习船参数
Table 1. Practicing ship parameters
总长Loa/m 设计水线长Lwl/m 两柱间长Lpp/m 船宽B/m 型深D/m 139.80 130.55 126.00 20.80 11.40 设计吃水d/m 方型系数Cb 棱型系数Cp 排水量Δ/t 8.00 0.680 0.693 14 680 -
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