Sectioned linear fitting method of parameters for asphalt mastics viscoelastic Burgers model
摘要: 分析了沥青玛蹄脂静态蠕变曲线的特点, 应用分段拟合法对曲线的起始与末尾段进行线性拟合, 研究了剪切蠕变条件下沥青玛蹄脂粘弹性Burgers模型参数取值, 并与传统方法进行了对比。发现在低温条件下, 两种方法的平均误差基本保持在5%以内, 而传统方法的最大误差超过了20%, 分段拟合法仅有小时间段超过5%;高温条件下, 传统方法测定Burgers模型参数比较困难, 而分段拟合法平均误差小于0.01%。研究结果表明: 分段拟合法误差相对较小, 易于操作, 是确定Burgers模型参数的有效方法。Abstract: The static creep curve character of asphalt mastics was analyzed, the head section and end section of the curve were fitted by sectioned linear fitting method, the parameters of asphalt mastics viscoelastic Burgers model were solved in the condition of shear creep, and sectioned linear fitting method was compared with traditional method. It is pointed that in low temperature, the average errors of two methods are less than 5%, but the maximal error of traditional method is more than 20%, and the error of sectioned linear fitting method is more than 5% only in a small time range; under high temperature, Burgers model parameters are difficultly determined by using traditional method, but the errors from sectioned linear fitting method are less than 0.01%. Analysis result shows that the new method is feasible, its fitting error is less, and its maneuverability is better.
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