Central angle influence of long-span curve bridge on its inner forces, displacements and stability
摘要: 为提高高墩大跨径弯桥的安全性, 对不同圆心角的典型弯桥在考虑大变形和材料非线性情况下, 利用有限元法对刚构桥的墩梁内力与位移进行计算, 分析了桥跨的内力、位移和非线性稳定荷载系数与弯桥圆心角的关系。分析结果显示: 最大悬臂阶段主梁根部的弯矩随曲线圆心角增大而略有减小, 但扭矩会快速增大; 曲线圆心角越大, 悬臂端竖向、横向位移和墩顶横桥向位移越大, 在圆心角大于38°, 非线性已很明显, 悬臂端和墩顶位移会急剧增大; 非线性稳定系数约为稳定特征系数的35%, 随着弯桥圆心角的增大, 其稳定系数会迅速变小; 综合考虑, 大跨径弯桥圆心角不宜大于38°。Abstract: In order to improve the safety of long-span curve bridge with high piers, the large distortion and material nonlinearity of the bridge were considered, the inner forces and displacements of piers of typical curve rigid frame bridges with different central angles of curve were computed by using finite element method, and the relations of the inner forces, displacements and nonlinear stability load coefficients to the central angle of curve were concluded. Analysis result shows that the end maximum moment of main beam during cantilever construction little decreases with the increase of the angle, but the torsion rapidly increases; the larger the angle is, the larger the transverse-vertical displacements of cantilever end and the transverse displacement at pier top are, the displacements sharply increase, their nonlinear trends are obvious; the nonlinear stability coefficient of bridge is 35% of eigenvalue stability coefficient, the stability load decreases rapidly with the augmenting of the angle; the central angle of curve can not be larger than 38° in order to ensure bridge safety.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- long-span curve bridge /
- central angle /
- inner forces /
- displacement /
- stability /
- cantilever construction /
- nonlinear analysis
表 1 主梁内力计算结果
Table 1. Calculation result of inner forces for main beam
表 2 主梁内力比较
Table 2. Comparison of inner forces for main beam
表 3 位移计算结果
Table 3. Calculation result of displacements
表 4 稳定系数计算结果
Table 4. Calculation result of stability coefficients
表 5 不同圆心角对应非线性稳定系数
Table 5. Nonlinear stability coefficients aimed at different central angles
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