摘要: 为客观反映城市路网可靠性, 在分析城市路网结构和功能的基础上, 运用层次分析法, 将OD路网划分为主通路和连接路段, 分析了主通路可靠性影响因素及计算方法, 引入OD对连通度对主通路可靠性进行修正, 推导了整个路网可靠性计算公式。而且研究了主通路上节点个数对路网可靠性的影响, 讨论了在不同交通状况下改善路网可靠性的方法。分析结果表明: 主道路间未取得有效连通时, OD路网的可靠度为0.62, 在保证主道路持续性不受影响的前提下, 对主道路进行有效连通, 路网可靠度提高为0.70。这反映了路网可靠度不仅依赖于主通路持续性和有效性, 还取决于主道路间的连通性, 将路网划分为主通路和连接路段对OD路网进行可靠性分析是合理的。Abstract: In order to objectively reflect the reliability of urban road network, the structure and function of urban road network were analyzed, OD road network was divided into main roads and connection roads, the influence factors and the computation method of the reliability were studied, the main road reliability was amended by using OD connectivity, and the reliability of whole road network was concluded.The influence of number of the nodes on OD road network reliability was studied, and the improvement methods of OD road network reliability were discussed further. Analysis result shows that the reliability of OD road network is 0.62 when main roads are not connected effectively, the reliability is 0.70 through the connection of main roads when the continuance of main road is not affected. It is indicated that the reliability of OD road network depends on not only the continuance and the validity of main road, but also the connectivity of OD road network, so the method is feasible and effective.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- urban road network /
- main road /
- connection road /
- connectivity /
- reliability
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