摘要: 为了实现城市交通发展与土地利用之间的和谐互动, 将TOD理念引入成长型城市公共交通规划中, 分析了成长型城市公共交通发展需求, 提出了交通与土地协调发展的枢纽导向型规划思路, 探讨了适合成长型城市发展的换乘枢纽分类、公交服务分区与公交线路分级的规划模式, 设计了以枢纽布局规划为核心的主动引导型规划流程, 阐述了成长型城市公共交通规划主体内容, 包括现状调查、需求预测、方案设计、方案评价及方案实施保障体系。研究结果表明: 基于TOD模式的公共交通规划方法将会成为支持成长型城市用地布局和用地发展方向, 体现成长型城市特色的理想规划模式。Abstract: In order to realize the harmonious improvement of land use and city traffic, TOD was introduced into the public traffic planning of developing city, its public traffic development demand was analyzed, a hub-oriented planning strategy of harmonious improvement was put forward, three kinds of planning modes including terminal sort, public service subarea and public route classification were discussed, an active leading planning procedure was designed based on regarding hub-distributed planning as planning center, and the planning contents were detailed including traffic actuality investigation, traffic demand forecast, planning scheme design, planning scheme evaluation and the safeguards of planning scheme implement.Study result shows that public traffic planning method based on TOD mode benefits the layout and development of land use, embodies the feature of the planning mode for developing city.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- public transport /
- TOD mode /
- developing city
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