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米彩盈 安琪 李芾

米彩盈, 安琪, 李芾. 高速列车驱动车轴动态特性分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2007, 7(4): 1-5.
引用本文: 米彩盈, 安琪, 李芾. 高速列车驱动车轴动态特性分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2007, 7(4): 1-5.
Mi Cai-ying, An Qi, Li Fu. Dynamic property analysis of axle shaft of high-speed train[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(4): 1-5.
Citation: Mi Cai-ying, An Qi, Li Fu. Dynamic property analysis of axle shaft of high-speed train[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(4): 1-5.



国家自然科学创新研究群体基金项目 50521503


    米彩盈(1965-), 男, 山西山阴人, 西南交通大学教授, 工学博士, 从事机车车辆结构强度与可靠性研究

  • 中图分类号: U260.311

Dynamic property analysis of axle shaft of high-speed train

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Mi Cai-ying (1965-), male, Eng D, professor, +86-28-87600880, caiyingmi@163.com

  • 摘要: 将车轮和轴箱分别简化为集中质量和转动惯量, 用连续弹性Timoshenko梁模拟变截面车轴, 建立弹性轮对与轨道耦合垂向动力学模型, 分析车轴动态刚度与轮轨作用力、车轴自身振动特性和车轴动应力的相互关系。发现: 轮对的一阶和二阶固有频率分别由76.34Hz和130.03Hz降低到53.68Hz和100.02Hz, 车轴的一阶模态振动加速度和弹性振动位移分别增加60.12%和92.21%, 轮轨动作用力增加6.23%, 车轴轮座内侧和轴颈危险截面的动应力分别增加39.30%和34.13%。分析结果表明: 轮轨动作用力和车轴的动应力随着车轴动刚度的降低而增加, 因此, 提高轻量化轮对的固有频率和动态刚度能保证高速列车安全运行和提高车轴疲劳强度。


  • 图  1  轮对受力分析

    Figure  1.  Wheelset's load analysis

    图  2  车轴动态刚度对一阶模态振动加速度的影响

    Figure  2.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on the first order mode vibration acceleration

    图  3  车轴动态刚度对二阶模态振动加速度的影响

    Figure  3.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on the second order mode vibration acceleration

    图  4  车轴动态刚度对一阶弹性振动位移的影响

    Figure  4.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on the first order elastic vibration displacement

    图  5  车轴动态刚度对二阶弹性振动位移的影响

    Figure  5.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on the second order elastic vibration displacement

    图  6  车轴动态刚度对左侧轮轨垂向力的影响

    Figure  6.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on vertical wheel-rail interaction force on left side

    图  7  车轴动态刚度对右侧轮轨垂向力的影响

    Figure  7.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on vertical wheel-rail interaction force on right side

    图  8  车轴动态刚度对车轴轮座内侧截面5和轴颈截面7应力的影响

    Figure  8.  Influence of wheelset axle's dynamic stiffness on stresses on section No.5 inside wheel seat and axle journal section No.7

    表  1  垂向动力学系统自由度

    Table  1.   Degrees of freedom of vertical dynamics system

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    表  2  轮对固有频率

    Table  2.   Wheelset's natural frequencies Hz

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    Mi Cai-ying, An Qi, Li Fu. Calculation method of wheelset natural frequency based on transfer matrixes[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2006, 6(4): 20-22. (in Chinese) http://transport.chd.edu.cn/article/id/200604005
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  • 收稿日期:  2006-12-10
  • 刊出日期:  2007-08-25


