Influence of strong crosswind on aerodynamic performance of passenger train running on embankment
摘要: 为了提高强横风作用下客运列车运行的稳定性, 基于三维非定常方程, 采用动网格技术, 对强横风作用下的青藏线客运列车在路堤上运行情况进行了模拟, 分析车速、风速及路堤高度与气动力之间的关系, 并将计算结果与风洞实验结果进行对比。研究结果表明: 升力、侧向力和倾覆力矩实验结果与模拟结果吻合较好。在路堤高度小于20.00 m时, 气动力随路堤高度的增加而增大, 当路堤高度大于20.00 m时, 气动力随路堤高度增大而减小; 车速一定时, 随着横风速度的增大, 气动力和倾覆力矩迅速增大; 横风风速一定时, 列车运行速度从60 km·h-1增大至120 km·h-1, 侧向力、升力及倾覆力矩变化不大。Abstract: In order to improve the running stability of passenger train in strong crosswind, its running condition on embankment while suffering from strong crosswind was simulated by using 3-D unsteady N-S equations and dynamic mesh technique, the relationships between aerodynamic force and train speed, crosswind speed and embankment tallness, and simulation result was compared with tunnel test result. It is found that their results are accordant, aerodynamic side force increases large with the increase of embankment height when embankment height is less than 20.00 m, but it decreases with the increase of embankment height when embankment height is larger than 20.00 m; aerodynamic force and overturning moment rapidly increase with the speed increase of crosswind when the running speed of passenger train is certain; in the condition that the speed of crosswind is certain, aerodynamic force, lift force and overturning moment increase less when train speed change from 60 km·h-1 to 120 km·h-1.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- passenger train /
- aerodynamics /
- numerical simulation /
- strong crosswind /
- embankment
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