摘要: 为有效、客观评价航道网规划方案的优劣, 采用数据包络分析法, 分析了航道网规划方案的指标体系, 建立了航道规划综合评价与决策模型, 确定了模型的输入与输出指标, 并利用线性规划原理进行模型求解。求解结果表明: 采用此模型不仅可以判断各规划方案的有效性, 而且通过虚拟方案的改进, 可以对有效方案的相对优劣性进行评价、排序, 达到好中选优的效果, 并在保持非有效方案输出指标值不变的前提下, 对其进行改进, 使其变为有效方案, 因此, 评价结果科学、合理, 有利于航道网的规划与管理。Abstract: In order to effectively and objectively evaluate the planning projects of waterway net, the index system of the projects were analyzed by using data envelopment analysis(DEA)method, a new evaluation and decision-making model of waterway net planning was developed, its output indices and input indices were ascertained, and it was solved by using linear programming principium.Computation result shows that the validities of the projects is not only adjusted, but also evaluated and classified by using the model, so that the optimal project is chosen in effective projects; ineffective schemes can be improved into effective schemes by using the model, but their output values are invariant, so the model is scientific and rational, and benefit the planning and management of waterway net.3 tabs, 1 fig, 12 refs.
Key words:
- waterway planning /
- evaluation index system /
- comprehensive evaluation /
- DEA method
表 1 综合评价指标
Table 1. Comprehensive evaluation indices
表 2 有效性评价结果
Table 2. Evaluation result of relative validities
表 3 方案排序结果
Table 3. Ranked result of schemes
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