摘要: 为了分析路面与车辆的相互作用, 提出了四自由度1/2车辆模型相对于不平整路面耦合振动分析方法。根据GB/T7031-1986建议的公路路面功率谱密度的拟合表达式, 在分析了运行汽车固有振动频率和行驶速度的影响后, 获得分布在一定频率范围内的离散功率谱密度数据, 利用离散傅立叶逆变换得到路面不平度值, 并以此作为1/2车辆垂向动力学模型的输入激励, 通过数值仿真得到运行车辆系统在不同路面不平整度下的时域响应。分析结果表明: 车辆动荷载系数随车速增大呈线性增加, 随路面等级变差呈非线性增大, 路面等级是影响车辆动力作用的最显著因素。Abstract: In order to analyze the interaction of pavement and vehicle, an analysis method of couple vibration between 1/2-four-degree vehicle model and rough pavement was proposed.According to the power spectral density function advised by GB/T 7031-1986, the effect of the vehicle natural vibration frequency and velocity was studied, the discrete data of power spectral density within definite frequency range were obtained, the value of pavement roughness was obtained by Fourier reverse transform. The samples were taken as the input disturbances of a 1/2 vehicle vertical dynamics model, and the time-domain response of vehicle system caused by pavement roughness was obtained by numerical simulation. Analysis result shows that the value of dynamic load coefficient increases linearly along with the increase of vehicle velocity, but non-linearly along with the grade increase of pavement roughness, and the grade of pavement roughness is most marked factor of vehicle dynamic effect.
表 1 路面不平度系数
Table 1. Coefficients of pavement roughness
路面等级 路面不平度系数/[10-6m2·(m-1)-1] 下限 几何平均值 上限 A 8 16 32 B 32 64 128 C 128 256 512 D 512 1 024 2 048 E 2 048 4 096 8 192 F 8 192 16 384 32 768 G 32 768 65 536 131 072 H 131 072 262 144 524 288 -
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