摘要: 为了优化沥青路面结构设计, 引入无反射边界, 依据结构动力理论, 利用有限元数值分析方法, 对多层沥青路面在移动荷载作用下的动态响应进行了分析。发现沥青面层的拉应力和路表弯沉随着基层模量、层间摩擦系数、行车速度和面层材料阻尼的增大而减小, 剪切应力随着轮胎接地压力和基层模量的增大而增大。分析结果表明: 基层设计需要综合优化设计, 简单增加基层模量和厚度都是不合适的; 良好的层间接触状态以及使用较大阻尼的材料, 有利于路面性能的改善; 提高行车速度可以延长路面的使用寿命。Abstract: In order to optimize the structural design of asphalt pavement, non-reflective boundary was introduced, structural dynamics theory was adopted, its dynamic responses under moving loads were analyzed by using finite element method. It is pointed that tensile stress and surface deflection decrease with the increases of base course modulus, friction coefficient, vehicle velocity and surface course damping, but the shear stress ascends with the raises of tire pressure and base course modulus. Analysis result shows that it is not appropriate to simply increase base course modulus and thickness, the base design should be optimized synthetically; good contacting condition and great damping material lead to fine pavement performance; the velocity increase of vehicle can extend pavement service life.
表 1 结构参数
Table 1. Structure parameters
表 2 沥青面层的材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of asphalt surface course
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