摘要: 为了研究移动常载荷与谐波载荷作用下刚性路面的动态应变响应, 把路面视为弹性地基上的无限大薄板, 利用三维Fourier变换在时间与空间变换域内建立移动载荷的公式, 分析了粘滞阻尼、车速、载荷大小对应变响应的影响。采用5个混凝土埋入式应变传感器, 建立实验环境, 进行路面应变响应测量, 并对测量结果和仿真结果进行了比较。比较结果表明: 车速与阻尼对上述两种载荷作用下板的应变响应影响较大, 移动谐波载荷作用下刚性路面动态应变比常载荷产生的应变响应要大, 移动谐波载荷作用下的响应稍大于实测结果。Abstract: In order to investigate the dynamic strain responses of rigid pavements subjected to moving constant load and harmonic variation load, pavement was regarded as a plate with infinite extent on a viscoelastic foundation, formulations of moving loads were developed in time-space transform domain by using triple Fourier transform, and the effects of viscous damping, vehicle speed and load on the strain were studied. Experiment environment was simulated by using five embedded strain sensors, pavement dynamic strain response was measured, and measure result was compared with simulation result. Comparison result shows that the responses of rigid pavement to vehicle velocity and viscous damping are larger, the response induced by constant load is less than the response induced by harmonic load, and the response induced by harmonic load is a little larger than experimental result.
表 1 相关参数
Table 1. Correlative parameters
弹性模量E/MPa 27 560 泊松比γ 0.15 地基模量k/(MN·m-3) 136 板的厚度h/cm 30 单位面积板的质量m/(kg·m-2) 706 粘滞阻尼系数c/(MPa·s·m-1) 12 传感器所在深度z/cm -10 前轴轴载qf/kN 34.24 后轴轴载qr/kN 101.24 前轴轮胎接地长度d1f/cm 14 后轴轮胎接地长度d1r/cm 21 前后轴轮胎宽度d2/cm 21 后轴双轮间距dt/cm 34 后轴双轮轮距dw/cm 185 前后轴距da/cm 650 前轴轮胎中心距db/cm 194 后轴初始η轴坐标η0/cm 15 后轴初始y坐标y1/cm 15 前轴初始y坐标y2/cm 17.5 -
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