摘要: 为了研究交通诱导信息对驾驶员驾驶行为的影响, 从诱导比例、替代路径数量、替代路径合理性和路网交通负荷分布的角度, 分析了在动态交通诱导条件下拥挤漂移现象的产生机理, 提出了逐步增加诱导比例, 在路阻数据中加入干扰因子与K最短路方法等3种预防交通拥挤漂移的技术, 并采用Vissim交通仿真软件对其进行了模拟评价。模拟结果表明: 在局部拥挤的道路网络中, 所提出的3种方法都能够减轻或消除拥挤漂移现象, 其中K最短路方法的效果最好, 其次是逐步诱导方法, 尽管在路阻数据中加入干扰因子的方法效果最不理想, 但仍优于对车辆进行100%诱导和不采取任何诱导措施的情况。Abstract: In order to study the influence of traffic guidance information on driver's behavior, the causes of traffic congestion shift under real-time guidance were analyzed from the aspects of guidance proportion, the number of alternative routes, the rationality of alternative route and the traffic distribution of road network, three methods were proposed to prevent from congestion shift, which included escalating guidance proportion, adding disturbance to linkcost data and providing K alternative routes to driver, and the methods were evaluated and compared by using traffic simulation software named Vissim.Simulation result shows that in a road network with local congestions, the methods have the ability to alleviate or eliminate congestion shift, the performance of providing K alternative routes is the best; the performance of escalating guidance proportion is the second; although the performance of adding disturbance to linkcost data is the third, it is much better than the conditions of completely guiding driver and adopting no guiding measurement.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- traffic guidance /
- congestion shift /
- traffic simulation /
- preventive technology
表 1 OD对交通量
Table 1. Traffic volumes between OD pairs
表 2 受交通事件影响的OD对及其流量
Table 2. OD pairs and traffic volumes affected by incident
表 3 路网效益
Table 3. Road network benefits
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