Layout planning method for urban passenger intermodal transfer points in cluster cities
摘要: 为了使客运综合换乘枢纽布局适应中国大城市用地布局特征, 分析了枢纽布局与城市土地利用、客运需求走廊分布和交通网络的关系, 提出了宏观布局、微观选址的枢纽布局规划方法。宏观布局以公交导线土地开发为理念, 确定枢纽的选址区域; 微观选址以提高居民出行效率为目标, 以用地性质、平均容积率及与客运需求走廊的距离为约束, 建立非线性选址规划模型, 确定枢纽的最佳位置。应用结果表明: 应用该方法确定的枢纽选址区域与多中心组团式城市用地布局规划相一致, 枢纽选址确定的最佳位置, 其500 m半径范围内覆盖的人口和就业岗位最高, 而且能有效地反映枢纽布局与城市土地利用的互动性。Abstract: In order to adapt the layout of urban passenger intermodal transfer points(UPITP)to the property of urban land use in Chinese big cities, the relationship between the layout and urban land use, passenger demand corridor and traffic network was analyzed, and a planning method of macroscopic layout and microcosmic location was presented.In macroscopic layout, the overlay zone of UPITP was selected based on the fundamental of transit-oriented development(TOD). In microcosmic location, the transfer efficiency of denizen was regarded as aim, the land use function, average floor area ratio and the distance between the UPTIP and passenger demand corridor were regarded as constraints, and a nonlinear programming model was developed to ascertain the favorable position of the UPITP. Applied result shows that the site zone of UPITP is consistent with that of the layout method of urban land use with multi-center and cluster cities, the number of service population and employment within 500 m radius of the favorable position is highest, and the method reflects the interaction relation between UPITP and urban land use.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- urban passenger /
- intermodal transfer point /
- location /
- non-linear programming
表 1 综合换乘枢纽选址区域
Table 1. Location zones of intermodal transfer points
功能区编号 用地性质 枢纽功能 功能区编号 用地性质 枢纽功能 1 CBD 全市性 25 对外长途客运站 对外交通 2 市商业中心 全市性 32 片区中心, 居住和商业 区域性 19 片区中心, 居住和商业 区域性 34 片区中心, 居住和商业 区域性 21 一线口岸 对外交通 -
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