摘要: 为了客观评价公路平面交叉口的安全状况, 提出了交叉口安全服务水平基本概念, 分析了影响无信号交叉口安全服务水平的客观因素, 给出了安全服务水平评价方案, 分别构建了基于机动车、非机动车、行人冲突点的安全服务水平主模型和基于交叉口几何特征、交通标志等次要影响因素的修正模型, 并由此提出无信号平面交叉口安全服务水平计算模型。根据多个无信号交叉口数据, 把安全服务水平分为1~4级, 并验证了安全服务水平模型的合理性。验证结果表明: 应用安全服务水平计算模型得到实例交叉口危险度为200.7, 安全服务水平为3级, 符合交叉口实际的安全状态, 因此, 交叉口安全服务水平模型能够有效评价交叉口的安全性。Abstract: In order to objectively evaluate the traffic safety performance of non-signalized intersection, the safety level concept of service for intersection was put forward, the influences of objective factors on the safety level of service were analyzed, its evaluation project was given, its main model was build based on the conflict points of power-driven vehicles, non-power-driven vehicles and pedestrians, its correctional model was set up according to minor influencing factors, such as intersection geometry property, traffic signs, etc, and its total model was put forward based on the two models. In order to validate the rationality of the total model, safety level of service was divided into one to four levels according to the data of many intersections. Validated result shows that the risk index value of real intersection is 200.7, its safety level of service is third level, which accords with its real condition, so the model can effectively evaluate the safety of non-signalized intersection.
表 1 不同类型冲突点Wk值
Table 1. Wk values of different conflict points
表 2 机动车与机动车冲突点恶性程度
Table 2. Risk degrees of conflict points between vehicles
表 3 机动车与自行车冲突点恶性程度
Table 3. Risk degrees of conflict points between vehicle and bicycle
表 4 机动车与行人冲突点恶性程度
Table 4. Risk degrees of conflict points between vehicle and pedestrian
表 5 次要影响因素及其子影响因素权重
Table 5. Weights of minor influencing factors and its subfactors
表 6 安全服务水平等级
Table 6. Grades of safety level of service
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