摘要: 为了提高物流配送中心布局的客观性与运行效率, 降低物流处理成本, 分析了传统物流配送中心布局的缺点, 研究了影响物流配送中心布局的各种随机因素, 提出了物流配送中心布局的虚拟仿真设计方法。根据整理的物流配送中心布局实际参数, 确定物流中心的规模、作业流程与平面布局, 提出了配送中心布局方案, 通过计算机仿真模拟了配送中心运行过程, 计算了配送中心的空间利用率、作业能力、运行效率与运行成本, 并评价了方案的优劣。实际应用结果表明: 物流配送中心布局仿真虚拟设计方法精度高, 对规划方案的模拟、优化与选择符合客观实际。Abstract: In order to improve the layout objectivity of distribution center of logistics and running efficiency of logistics, decrease the disposal cost of logistics, the layout shortcomings of traditional distribution centers of logistics were analyzed, the effects of all kinds of stochastic factors on the layout of distribution center of logistics were studied, and a virtual simulation design method was put forward.According to the coordinated real parameters of the layout, the scale, running processes and planar layout of the center were confirmed, its design schemes were proposed, its running processes were simulated, its spatial efficiency, working capability, running efficiency and running cost were computed, and the schemes were evaluated.Applied result shows that the precision of the method is high, the optimized scheme by using the method accords with real condition.
Key words:
- logistics engineering /
- distribution center /
- virtual layout /
- simulation /
- modelling
表 1 仿真结果
Table 1. Simulation result
指标 U型 直线型 作业区能力 入出库区作业能力 订单货物入库时间/(订单数·min-1) 0.60 0.45 订单货物出库时间/(订单数·min-1) 0.58 0.51 入库暂存区利用率/% 78.0 72.0 出库暂存区利用率/% 68.0 69.5 存储作业区作业能力 电动起重机利用率/% 43 38 存储作业区面积率/% 62 60 存储作业区货物周转率/% 85 83 拣货作业区日作业能力 拣货处理能力/(箱·h-1) 450 412 日平均拣货量/箱 4820 4606 自动分拣传送带利用率/% 33.5 31.0 运行评价指标 设备时间利用率/% 25 21 配送中心日处理物流量/箱 5330 4880 费用指标 搬运费用 4520 4280 拣货费用 6750 6180 机械设备运营费用 368 426 -
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