摘要: 为了提高车辆动力学模型中非线性元件数学模型的模拟精度, 分析了一、二维干摩擦副、三大件转向架的摩擦楔块和带串联刚度阻尼器的动力学性能, 建立了非传统的数学模型, 即不合速度状态变量的模型, 并设计了对应的Simulink程序, 用典型例题与传统模型的性能进行了对比分析。分析结果表明: 非传统数学模型能克服强非线性带来的数值计算问题, 提高了计算精度和计算效率, 一般根据不同模型的规模和非线性元件数, 计算速度能提高2~10倍。Abstract: In order to improve the modeling precision of nonlinear components' mathematics models in vehicle dynamics simulation, the dynamics properties of one/two dimension columbic friction pairs, the friction wedge of three piece bogies and the damper with series stiffness were analyzed, their unconventional mathematics models were set up without velocity variable, their Simulink programs were designed, and their characters were compared with traditional models. Analysis result shows that the models overcome the numerical computation problems resulted from traditional models, have higher computational precision and efficiency, and their computational velocities increase by 2~10 times according to the scales of the models and the numbers of their nonlinear components. 24 figs, 10 refs.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- simulation models /
- key components /
- dynamics analysis
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