摘要: 为改善车辆的乘坐舒适性, 研究了车辆的振动响应特性, 建立了车辆系统动力学模型, 计算了转向架蛇行运动模态和车体固有振动模态的频域模态参数与车辆在不同速度下的时域平稳性指标。计算结果表明: 转向架蛇行运动频率和轨道激扰主频率随着车辆运行速度的增大而增大, 而车体的固有振动频率是不随速度而变化的; 在某一速度下, 转向架的蛇行运动频率和轨道激扰主频率必然与车体相关振动的固有频率接近而发生共振, 共振会严重恶化车辆的平稳性, 因此, 应采取适当措施使共振速度区远离车辆的常用运行速度, 以保证车辆运行平稳。Abstract: In order to improve the riding comfort of vehicle, the vibrant response characteristic of vehicle was studied, a dynamics model of vehicle system was set up, frequency-domain mode parameters on the hunting mode of bogie and the natural mode of car body were calculated, and stationarity indices of vehicle at the different speeds were computed in time-domain.Computation result shows that the hunting frequency of bogie and the primary frequency of track irregularities increase with the increase of running velocity, but the natural frequency of car body has no change; they must approach the natural frequency of car body and take place resonance at certain speed, and the resonance will badly worsen the riding comfort of vehicle.So in order to improve the comfort, some proper measures should be taken to keep the resonance speed away from the common running speed of vehicle.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- bogie /
- vibration response /
- riding comfort
表 1 自振频率
Table 1. Natural frequencies
Hz 下心滚摆 上心滚摆 摇头振动 点头振动 浮沉振动 0.505 1.546 0.642 1.661 1.758 表 2 转向架蛇行运动频率和轨道激扰谱主频与车辆运行速度的关系
Table 2. Relationship among track irregularity frequency, bogie hunting frequency and vehicle running speed
速度/(km·h-1) 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 蛇行频率/Hz 0.021 0.426 0.847 1.272 1.705 2.140 2.574 3.002 3.41 3.809 4.172 激扰主频/Hz 0.005 0.094 0.188 0.282 0.376 0.470 0.564 0.658 0.752 0.846 0.940 -
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