摘要: 为了分析止挡结构对机车车辆动力学性能的影响, 建立了机车车辆二系横向止挡结构动力学模型, 研究了机车通过曲线轨道时, 止挡结构动态相互作用特征与止挡位移的时频特性。分析结果表明: 二系横向止挡动力学模型具有较强的非线性, 止挡结构可以有效抑制车体横向位移, 使其减小了30 mm; 止挡结构对车体的横向振动影响较大, 在曲线上轮轨横向作用力有波动, 二系横向相对位移的主频在1~4 Hz范围内, 与车体横向振动加速度的主频范围一致。Abstract: In order to discuss the effect of vehicle stopping block on vehicle dynamics, a dynamics model of secondary lateral stopping block was put forward, and its characteristics of dynamic interaction and stopping displacements in time and frequency domains were analyzed.Analysis result shows that the model has strong nonlinearity, stopping block can effectively restrict the lateral displacement of vehicle, and it decreases by 30 mm; the block has great influence on the lateral vibration of vehicle, the lateral force of wheel-rail has fluctuation in curve, the main frequency of the block is not more than 4 Hz, and its range accords with the main frequency range of lateral vibration acceleration of vehicle.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- stopping block /
- secondary suspension /
- dynamics model
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