摘要: 为了提高采用自密实混凝土铺筑的机场道面性能, 增加自密实混凝土粗骨料的用量, 使其体积百分比达到75%, 最大粒径为40mm, 以控制混凝土收缩小于400με; 用掺入最优掺量粉煤灰与高效减水剂的方法以及推导的自密实道面混凝土抗折强度公式获得所需的大流动性、高粘聚性、高抗折强度与高抗渗性的混凝土, 并进行了足尺板道面结构弯曲疲劳检验。检验结果表明: 混凝土28d抗折强度室内达到7.0~8.0MPa, 现场达到6.5MPa, Cl-渗透试验电测法通过电量小于1000C;自密实混凝土道面的坍落度大于160mm, 疲劳寿命超过机场设计要求一倍; 并且使路面铺筑速度提高了1.5倍。可见此混凝土路面性能优越。Abstract: In order to improve the performance of self-compacting concrete pavement, the volume percentage of coarse aggregate in self-compacting concrete was increased to 75%, its largest granule diameter was 40 mm, so that the concrete shrinkage was less than 400με; the optimum amount of fly ash and super water reducing agent were added, and the flexural strength formula of sel-compacting pavement concrete was established to make its fluidity, cohesion, flexural strength and impermeability optimum, then, a full-scale slab flexural fatigue test was carried out. Test result shows that the flexural strength test value of self-compacting concrete is 7.0~8.0 MPa, its measure value is 6.5 MPa, and its charge passage is less than 1 000 C in the Cl- penetrability test; the slump of self-compacting concrete pavement exceeds 160 mm, its fatigue service life increases by 1 time relative to design demand life, and its construction speed increases by 1.5 time. It is obvious that the property of self-compacting concrete pavement is ascendant. 5 tabs, 6 figs, 10 refs.
Key words:
- airport pavement /
- self-compacting concrete /
- fly ash /
- flexural strength /
- durability /
- fatigue service life
表 1 自密实混凝土配合比、流动性及强度
Table 1. Mixture ratio, fluidity and strength of self-compacting concrete
表 2 抗折强度与水灰比关系试验数据
Table 2. Test data of flexural strength-W/C
表 3 弯曲疲劳试验结果
Table 3. Bending fatigue test result
表 4 自密实混凝土小梁疲劳试验结果
Table 4. Beam fatigue test result of self-compacting concrete
表 5 干硬性混凝土小梁疲劳试验结果
Table 5. Beam fatigue test result of hard drying concrete
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