摘要: 为了确定合理的析漏损失控制指标, 通过室内析漏与飞散试验, 根据析漏较小而强度和耐久性佳的原则, 确定了排水性沥青混合料的最佳沥青用量, 与满足现行规范析漏要求确定的沥青用量进行了对比分析, 并研究了细集料对混合料析漏损失的影响。分析结果表明: 现行的规范析漏损失不大于0.3%指标是不合理的, 提出以不大于0.8%作为排水性沥青混合料析漏损失的控制标准, 施工中混合料的各项性能指标的变异性小, 主要性能指标的检测结果均优于技术要求, 确保了排水性沥青路面施工质量的稳定性。Abstract: In order to ascertain the rational control index of run-off loss for porous asphalt mixture, based on the perspective of low run-off loss and adequate strength and durability, optimum asphalt content was selected through laboratory run-off test and Cantabro abrasion test, it was compared with the content selected in current specification, and the influences of different types of fine aggregates were investigated.Analysis result shows that the index in current specification is not more than 0.3%, it is irrational for porous asphalt mixture, so a new index is put forward, it is not more than 0.8%.In the construction of test road, all properties of porous asphalt mixture have little variety, the main properties are superior to that in current specification, so the index is rational, which ensures the quality stability of pavement construction.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- porous asphalt mixture /
- run-off loss /
- control index /
- fine aggregates /
- road performance
表 1 高粘度改性沥青性能测试结果
Table 1. Performance test result of high viscosity modified bitumen
试验指标 高粘度改性沥青类型 技术要求[2] 沥青一 沥青二 沥青三 针入度(25 ℃, 100 g, 5 s)/0.1mm 54 51 56 ≥40 延度(15 ℃)/cm > 100 > 100 > 100 ≥50 软化点/℃ 92.8 90.5 90.3 ≥80.0 60 ℃动力粘度/(Pa·s) 240 343 180 350 227 998 ≥20 000 闪点/℃ 330 320 330 ≥260 粘韧性(25 ℃)/(N·m) 24.5 23.9 28.5 ≥20.0 韧性(25 ℃)/(N·m) 18.4 18.2 22.4 ≥15.0 薄膜烘箱老化质量损失(163 ℃, 5 h)/% -0.02 0.01 0.02 ≤0.60 表 2 排水性沥青混合料级配范围
Table 2. Gradation range of porous asphalt mixture
筛孔尺寸/mm 16.000 13.200 9.500 4.750 2.360 1.180 0.600 0.300 0.150 0.075 通过率/% 100 90~100 40~71 10~30 9~20 7~17 6~14 5~12 4~9 3~7 表 3 最佳油石比
Table 3. Optimal asphalt aggregate ratios
% 高粘度改性沥青类型 作图法 规范法 沥青一 4.6 4.0 沥青二 4.6 4.2 沥青三 4.6 4.1 表 4 排水性沥青混合料性能试验结果
Table 4. Performance test result of porous asphalt mixtures
试验指标 沥青一 沥青二 沥青三 技术要求 空隙率/% 20.4 20.6 20.6 19.0~21.0 析漏损失(180 ℃, 1 h)/% 0.54 0.68 0.62 ≤0.80 标准飞散损失/% 9.8 10.1 11.2 ≤20.0 动稳定度/(次·mm-1) 7 236 6 882 6 246 ≥3 000 马歇尔稳定度/kN 6.06 5.85 5.69 ≥3.50 流值/0.1mm 29 24 33 20~40 -
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