摘要: 为了提高路基压实度检测的准确性, 提出了路基压实度自动检测的瑞雷波法。采用落锤法敲击地表产生瑞雷波, 分别通过检波器和地震仪采集和记录瑞雷波信号, 应用τ-p变换提取经过信息处理后的瑞雷波, 获取频散曲线, 利用瑞雷波反演横波速度的方法计算压实度, 分析了压实度分布剖面图信息, 对比了用瑞雷波法和灌砂法计算的路基压实度。计算结果表明: 两条压实度曲线几乎重叠, 最大绝对误差为-0.300%, 相对误差为0.308%, 说明用瑞雷波法检测路基压实度数据可靠, 可以用于控制冲击碾压施工。Abstract: In order to improve the compactness detecting accuracy of subgrade, Rayleigh wave method was put forward to detect the degree of compaction of subgrade.Rayleigh wave was brought by using dropping hammer, its signal was detected by using detector, and recorded by using earthquake instrument.Processed Rayleigh wave was extracted by using τ-p transform, and its dispersion curve was obtained.The shear velocity of subgrade was invertely computed according to Rayleigh wave, the degree of compaction was computed according to the velocity, its profile diagram was analyzed, and it was detected by using Rayleigh wave method and pouring sand method, and the detecting results were compared.Comparison result shows that the compactness curves almost lap, the maximal absolute error is-0.300%, the maximal relative error is 0.308%, which indicates that the detecting result is credible, and the method is feasible to control impact rolling construction.
表 1 压实度检测结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of compactness detecting results
% 深度/m 压实度 误差分析 灌砂法 瑞雷波法 绝对误差 相对误差 -0.4 97.3 97.4 0.100 0.102 -0.6 97.2 97.2 0.000 0.000 -0.8 96.6 96.5 -0.100 0.103 -1.0 97.4 97.1 -0.300 0.308 -1.2 96.9 97.1 0.200 0.206 -1.4 95.9 96.1 0.200 0.208 -1.6 97.1 97.4 0.300 0.308 -1.8 96.5 96.4 -0.100 0.104 -2.0 98.0 97.8 -0.200 0.204 -2.2 97.9 97.9 0.000 0.000 -
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