Optimization model and algorithm of utilization of arrival and departure tracks in railroad passenger station
摘要: 为了提高客运站运输生产效率和行车技术作业自动化水平, 分析了客运站旅客列车到、发技术作业的特点, 建立了客运站股道运用优化模型。模型目标为有利于客运站行车技术作业, 有效利用车站设备和方便旅客乘降, 并且优先排列等级较高的列车。运用多目标规划理论, 采取分支定界法对模型进行求解。将模型和算法应用到一大型三线通过式客运站, 股道运用计划有明显改变, 1/3以上列车到发线进行了变更, 整体安排合理, 效果理想。Abstract: To improve the automation level and transportation efficiency of passenger station, the technical operation properties of arrival and departure for passenger train were analyzed, and an utilization optimization model of arrival and departure tracks was established.The model had three targets, they were the convenience of riding for passengers, the safe assurance for both train and technical operation, and the effective utilization of technical equipments for train operation, and it was considered to arrange higher rank trains firstly.The model was calculated by applying multiple target programming theory and branch-bound method, and the model and the algorithm were introduced into a large three-line through-type passenger station.Applied result shows that the plan of station tracks is changed obviously, and above 1/3 of train's lines are changed, the effect is ideal.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- passenger station /
- technical operation of train /
- model and algorithm
表 1 算法生成的到发线运用方案
Table 1. Operation program of up-and-down lines generated by algorithm
股道编号 列车到发线安排 5 5 12 16 30 39 42 58 75 84 90 100 102 3 9 15 40 51 71 79 86 88 95 103 1 8 11 14 17 20 26 31 45 94 6 2 18 25 34 44 50 54 63 66 76 77 83 91 101 104 8 1 13 21 36 39 43 52 62 74 78 99 105 10 19 28 29 49 53 60 65 85 89 12 15 32 67 69 73 92 107 14 10 23 37 41 47 57 61 70 81 96 106 16 4 6 22 35 46 56 64 80 85 97 20 3 7 24 27 33 38 48 55 59 68 72 82 87 93 注: 表中的数字为列车按到达车站时刻的先后顺序排列的序号(始发列车为车底被牵出至到发线的时刻)。 表 2 站调编制的到发线运用方案
Table 2. Operation program of up-and-down lines generated by railway station
股道编号 列车到发线安排 5 5 13 16 30 39 42 45 58 75 84 90 94 100 102 3 9 15 40 51 71 79 86 88 95 103 1 8 11 14 17 20 26 31 6 2 18 25 34 44 50 54 63 66 76 77 83 91 101 104 8 3 12 21 28 36 43 52 62 69 74 78 99 105 10 19 29 39 49 53 60 65 85 89 12 15 32 73 92 107 14 10 23 37 41 46 57 61 70 81 96 106 16 4 6 22 35 47 56 64 80 85 97 20 1 7 24 27 33 38 48 55 59 67 68 72 82 87 93 注: 表中的数字为列车按到达车站时刻的先后顺序排列的序号(始发列车为车底被牵出至到发线的时刻)。 -
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