摘要: 为了方便合理地分配交通量, 提出了交通量多路径分配的粒子群优化算法。算法的求解方法是在粒子群算法中构造了路径条数维的粒子空间, 每维对应一条可行性路线, 其值为对应路径所分配的交通量; 对粒子进行归一化处理, 使交通量守恒, 并进行交通量的多路径分配; 根据目标函数评价与筛选粒子, 直到满足终止条件。实例计算结果表明: 利用粒子群算法得到的目标函数值最小, 各路段分配的交通量没有超容量现象, 模型求解过程具有方向性, 对交通分配的网络规模无限制, 因此, 粒子群优化算法可行、合理。Abstract: In order to assign traffic volume rationally and expediently, a particle swarm optimization arithmetic (PSOA) of traffic volume multipath assignment was put forward.In the arithmetic, multidimensional particle space was constructed, every dimension was a feasible path, and its value was the assigned traffic volume on corresponding path; particle was united to make traffic volume conservation, and traffic volume multipath assignment was processed by PSOA; particles were circularly evaluated and filtered according to an optimal aim function, so that terminating qualification was satisfied.Computation result shows that the aim function value gained by using the arithmetic is least, the assigned traffic volume of every path is its capacity, the solving process of the arithmetic has optimization direction property and has no limit to net scale, so the arithmetic is feasible and rational.
表 2 PSOA得到的目标函数值
Table 2. Objective funcition values got by PSOA
表 3 交通量及路径时间
Table 3. Traffic volumes and path times
表 4 PSOA得到的交通量
Table 4. Traffic volumes computed by PSOA
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