摘要: 为了有效选择高速车轮型面, 通过车辆轨道系统动力学仿真得到轮对高速通过曲线的运动状态, 利用运动状态参量进行三维轮轨接触几何特性与蠕滑率计算, 用Contact程序进行轮轨非赫兹滚动接触计算, 分析了LMa、S1002和XP55车轮型面高速曲线通过匹配特点。分析结果表明: LMa和XP55型面轮对运动参数曲线平滑, S1002型面出现大幅度波动, 并产生蛇行运动; 当轮对横移量为3. 0~3. 5 mm时, S1002型面轮轨接触点对产生约11 mm跳跃, 正好处于钢轨型面R300、R80 mm圆弧过渡区; S1002型面接触斑基本处于滑动状态, LMa型面接触应力最小, XP55型面接触应力最大。可见S1002型面与中国60 kg·m-1钢轨不匹配, LMa型面匹配效果最理想, XP55型面匹配相对较好。Abstract: In order to effectively choose wheel profiles, the high-speed curving characteristics of wheelset were obtained by vehicle-track coupling dynamics simulation, wheel/rail contact geometry property and creeping ratio were calculated with wheelset curving dynamic parameters, wheel/rail non-Hertzian rolling contact was analyzed by using Contact program, and the high-speed curving matching characteristics of LMa, S1002 and XP55 wheel profiles were studied.Analysis result shows that the curves of wheelset dynamic parameters for LMa and XP55 profiles are smooth, S1002 profile exhibits large amplitude oscillation, and hunting occurs; wheel/rail contact point of S1002 profile jumps 11 mm while wheelset laterally displaces from 3.0 to 3.5 mm, just in the transitional arc of rail profile from R300 to R80 mm; the contact patch of S1002 profile generally slides, the contact stress of LMa profile is lowest, and the contact stress of XP55 profile is highest.So S1002 profile incompatibly matches Chinese 60 kg·m-1 rail, the matching effect of XP55 profile is better, and the matching effect of LMa profile is best.
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