Pulse control measure methods of internal resistance for battery in electric vehicle
摘要: 为了利用电池内阻对电动汽车蓄电池健康状况进行判断和续驶里程进行计算, 提出了两种蓄电池内阻在线检测脉冲控制法。采用光耦和变压器将检测电路和蓄电池隔离, 微控制器输出脉冲串经过光耦控制蓄电池产生恒定电流信号, 该信号在电池内阻上引起的电压信号通过变压器回传给微控制器, 微控制器根据电流、电压和两者之间的相位差(脉冲控制法一) 或者电压的变化量(脉冲控制法二) 计算电池内阻。计算结果表明: 利用脉冲控制法一和脉冲控制法二计算的12V铅酸电池内阻的误差分别在13%和11%左右, 误差较小, 因此, 两种脉冲控制法适于电动汽车串联电池组的在线内阻检测。Abstract: In order to estimate the health state of battery and calculate the running distance of electric vehicle (EV), two pulse control measure methods were put forward to for the online test of internal resistance for battery.Measure circuit and battery were insulated by using optical coupling set and transformer, a series of pluses were put out by microcomputer unit (MCU), constant current signal was generated by battery controlled by optical coupling set, voltage signal caused by current signal in the internal resistance was sent to MCU through transformer, and MCU could calculate the internal resistance according to the phase difference between voltage and current (method 1) or voltage difference (method 2).Computation result shows that the errors of internal resistance for a 12V lead-acid battery are about 13% and 11% respectively calculated by using method 1 and method 2, the errors are less, so two pulse control methods are feasible.
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