摘要: 为了了解中国气候条件对沥青路面的影响, 分析了739个气象站19712000年的气象数据, 以累年年不小于20℃积温、累年累计降水温度指数、累年降水冰冻组合指数和累年极端最低气温作为划分指标, 累年年平均太阳辐射日总量为描述指标, 采用普通克里金和协克里金方法对各指标进行空间化分析, 利用多指标系统聚类、指标划分和图层叠置方法, 提出了中国公路沥青路面气候影响分区方案。方案共分8个一级区和39个二级区, 在北部和青藏高原, 低温和低温期间降水的影响是主要的, 南部则以高温和降水的影响最为显著, 中部各种因素的影响比较均衡, 应综合考虑。Abstract: To understand the effect of climatic conditions on asphalt pavement in China, the weather data of 739 weather stations in 1971~2000 were analyzed, average annual accumulated temperature above 20℃, average annual accumulated rain-temperature index, average annual precipitation-freezing index and extremely low air temperature were taken as zoning indices, average daily solar radiation was taken as describing index, the spatial distributions of the indices were analyzed by using Kriging and Cokriging method, and with the methods of cluster analysis, indices division and maps overlay, a climatic zoning scheme was proposed which included 8 first level regions and 39 second level regions. Low temperature and precipitation in low temperature term are main factors impacting asphalt pavement in Northern China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, high temperature and precipitation are main aspects in Southern China, however, every factor should be comprehensively considered in Central China because the effect of every factor is relatively balanceable.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- asphalt pavement /
- climatic zoning /
- evaluation indices
表 1 类间界线
Table 1. Cluster boundaries
类间界线 分界点 调整分界点 6-1 P=93 915 mm·℃ P=94 000 mm·℃ 1-7 P=32 946 mm·℃ P=33 000 mm·℃ 7-2 T20℃=1 060.7 ℃ T20℃=1 000 ℃ 1-2 P=32 946 mm·℃ P=33 000 mm·℃ 7-5 Tmin=-23.7 ℃ Tmin=-24 ℃ 2-5 T20℃=1 151.2 ℃ T20℃=1 000 ℃ 5-3 P0℃=15 370 mm·℃, T20℃=2 412.9 ℃ P0℃=15 000 mm·℃, T20℃=2 400 ℃ 3-4 T20℃=3 780.9 ℃ T20℃=3 800 ℃ 表 2 指标分布范围及分位数
Table 2. Distribution ranges and quantiles of indices
一级分区 指标 最小值 5%分位数 10%分位数 25%分位数 50%分位数 75%分位数 90%分位数 95%分位数 最大值 Ⅰ T20℃ 76.5 232.6 297.6 484.0 897.5 1 219.3 1 319.1 1 407.6 2 279.1 P0℃ 1 427 1 668 4 830 5 839 7 611 8 684 9 406 10 361 14 790 P 92 259 95 819 98 028 104 198 116 095 138 268 187 649 214 843 264 518 Tmin -50.0 -48.2 -47.2 -44.5 -41.1 -37.8 -36.0 -35.5 -31.9 R 10.566 8 11.163 1 11.512 6 12.231 3 12.602 4 12.836 3 13.568 6 14.466 8 15.049 2 Ⅱ T20℃ 585.1 762.5 827.3 1 011.3 1 398.1 1 791.8 2 005.2 2 085.8 2 471.2 P0℃ 1 136 1 480 1 668 2 123 4 554 7 534 9 826 12 727 15 739 P 31 721 34 196 35 684 41 682 53 517 69 191 83 224 88 711 96 722 Tmin -42.5 -40.7 -39.7 -38.3 -36.5 -34.7 -33.2 -31.9 -25.5 R 12.708 0 13.024 0 13.165 0 13.644 6 14.158 5 14.936 6 15.637 2 15.880 9 16.382 7 Ⅲ T20℃ 0.0 1 153.3 1 297.8 1 571.3 1 888.7 2 334.4 2 638.7 2 867.1 3 143.6 P0℃ 233 421 506 732 1 437 5 210 7 547 8 729 14 074 P 0 0 0 2 180 7 859 17 369 26 422 29 846 36 808 Tmin -37.4 -34.2 -33.2 -31.6 -29.3 -26.2 -24.5 -23.6 -22.1 R 13.782 2 14.272 8 14.497 0 14.986 6 15.509 4 16.432 2 16.843 1 16.980 6 17.593 2 Ⅳ T20℃ 804.7 1 219.4 1 394.4 1 841.8 2 285.5 2 699.8 2 902.8 3 027.7 3 417.5 P0℃ 5 908 8 412 9 027 10 728 12 851 15 688 17 989 19 404 25 315 P 0 0 0 0 5 853 9 955 15 417 18 759 54 637 Tmin -24.3 -23.1 -22.2 -20.2 -17.3 -10.3 -7.4 -5.0 -1.5 R 9.770 8 10.853 3 11.463 2 12.765 8 13.976 3 14.529 6 14.993 1 15.432 4 16.246 0 Ⅴ T20℃ 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.3 416.0 986.3 1 831.7 2 177.9 2 893.2 P0℃ 0 76 145 292 860 3 398 7 865 9 700 15 797 P 0 0 0 2 277 8 327 17 248 24 702 28 402 34 126 Tmin -37.5 -35.8 -35.2 -33.4 -30.8 -25.6 -19.0 -15.9 -7.7 R 12.422 8 13.817 3 14.591 7 15.937 0 16.913 2 17.697 1 18.228 6 18.500 9 19.669 7 Ⅵ T20℃ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.2 252.1 515.2 1 074.4 P0℃ 963 1 539 1 814 2 530 3 793 5 131 6 269 6 955 11 621 P 27 139 34 170 35 487 39 314 48 490 63 526 77 044 81 249 89 685 Tmin -38.2 -37.1 -36.5 -34.8 -31.8 -27.7 -24.8 -23.5 -17.8 R 12.897 1 14.137 5 14.481 6 14.805 4 15.469 0 16.106 7 16.570 0 16.733 2 17.603 1 Ⅶ T20℃ 2 256.5 2 650.7 2 810.0 3 068.3 3 304.9 3 509.8 3 671.4 3 748.1 4 024.4 P0℃ 14 912 16 214 17 315 19 833 22 773 25 781 28 650 30 696 33 310 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 509 12 284 Tmin -18.0 -16.4 -15.6 -13.3 -10.8 -7.3 -4.8 -3.4 0.2 R 9.041 0 9.479 5 9.756 7 10.680 9 12.185 8 12.898 8 14.046 8 14.758 4 15.536 3 Ⅷ T20℃ 3 148.4 3 838.8 3 918.4 4 183.3 4 762.6 5 696.6 6 324.7 6 768.6 8 649.3 P0℃ 24 291 26 658 27 843 30 391 33 186 38 497 44 244 45 962 52 199 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tmin -11.4 -9.4 -8.1 -5.6 -2.2 0.1 2.0 4.8 15.5 R 10.282 7 10.879 2 11.213 6 11.753 8 12.198 3 13.205 7 14.371 8 14.836 8 16.587 3 表 3 二级分区指标
Table 3. Indices of second level regions
二级分区 分区指标 指标范围 二级分区 分区指标 指标范围 ⅠA P0℃/(mm·℃) > 10 000 ⅤA P0℃/(mm·℃) > 10 000 ⅠB P0℃/(mm·℃) 5 000~10 000 ⅤB1、ⅤB2 P0℃/(mm·℃) 5 000~10 000 ⅠC P0℃/(mm·℃) < 5 000 ⅤC T20℃/℃, P0℃/(mm·℃) T20℃ > 500, P0℃ < 5 000 ⅡA P0℃/(mm·℃) > 10 000 ⅤD1、ⅤD2 T20℃/℃, P0℃/(mm·℃) 10 < T20℃ < 500, P0℃ < 5 000 ⅡB P0℃/(mm·℃) 5 000~10 000 ⅤE1、ⅤE2 T20℃/℃, P0℃/(mm·℃) T20℃ < 10, P0℃ < 5 000 ⅡC1、ⅡC2、ⅡC3 P0℃/(mm·℃) < 5 000 ⅥA1、ⅥA2 P0℃/(mm·℃) > 5 000 ⅢA1、ⅢA2 P/(mm·℃) > 20 000 ⅥB P0℃/(mm·℃) < 5 000 ⅢB1、ⅢB2 P/(mm·℃) 10 000~20 000 ⅦA F/℃ < 30 ⅢC P/(mm·℃) 1 000~10 000 ⅦB Tmin/℃ < -10 ⅢD P/(mm·℃) < 1 000 ⅦC1、ⅦC2 Tmin/℃ -5~-10 ⅣA P0℃/(mm·℃) > 15 000 ⅦD1、ⅦD2 Tmin/℃ > -5 ⅣB P0℃/(mm·℃) 10 000~15 000 ⅧA Tmin/℃ < -5 ⅣC P0℃/(mm·℃) < 10 000 ⅧB Tmin/℃ 0~-5 ⅣD F/℃ > 30 ⅧC1、ⅧC2 Tmin/℃ > 0 -
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