Numerical method of bearing capacity for preloaded RC beam strengthened by bonding steel plates
摘要: 在钢筋混凝土梁粘贴钢板加固数值分析中, 为了解决初始荷载及钢板-混凝土界面传力问题, 以8片钢筋混凝土梁室内缩尺模型试验为基础, 采用面-面接触分析方法及单元“生死”分析方法, 对试验梁进行了全过程数值分析, 提出了一种粘贴钢板加固具有初应力钢筋混凝土梁的数值分析方法。研究结果表明: 钢筋混凝土梁预测挠度变化规律与实测值吻合较好, 极限荷载偏差在11.5%以内。可见, 运用数值分析方法能有效解决持荷情况下, 待加固结构与钢板不同时参与工作及钢板-混凝土界面的传力难点。Abstract: In order to study initial stress and ring force transfer between steel plates and concrete in the numerical analysis of RC beam strengthened by bonding steel plates, 8 scale-down models of RC beam were manufactured, their loaded whole processes were analyzed by using surface-surface contact analysis method and "birth and death" element method, and a numerical analysis method of strengthening RC beam with initial stress was proposed.Numerical analysis result shows that the deflection variation rule is consistent with its test rule, the deviation is within 11.5% in ultimate load case.Obviously, it effectively solves the problems that retrofitting structure and steel plates don't act together and how does the force transfer between concrete and steel plates in preloaded case.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- RC beam /
- steel plates /
- strengthening /
- initial stress /
- numerical analysis
表 1 试验方案
Table 1. Testing schemes
编号 锚固形式 钢板宽度/cm 初始荷载 B1 无 — — B2 两端锚固 2.1 无 B3 均匀锚固 2.1 无 B4 两端锚固 2.1 有 B5 两端锚固 4.2 无 B6 均匀锚固 4.2 无 B7 均匀锚固 4.2 有 B8 均匀锚固 4.2 有 表 2 数值分析与试验结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of numerical analysis and experiment result
编号 开裂荷载/kN 屈服荷载/kN 极限荷载/kN 试验 计算 误差/% 试验 计算 误差/% 试验 计算 误差/% B1 3.52 3.56 1.3 33.60 31.0 -7.7 41.05 38.52 -6.2 B2 3.99 3.81 -4.6 37.64 37.6 -0.1 52.95 46.86 -11.5 B3 5.55 3.81 -31.4 33.06 37.6 13.7 44.75 43.56 -2.7 B4 5.06 3.56 -29.6 41.88 38.0 -9.3 48.51 45.76 -5.7 B5 6.04 5.52 -8.6 40.90 44.6 9.0 56.10 52.36 -6.7 B6 7.89 5.52 -30.0 46.29 44.0 -4.9 57.23 51.48 -10.0 B7 4.41 4.86 10.2 41.23 42.0 1.9 46.70 51.26 9.8 B8 4.57 4.86 6.3 44.99 42.0 -6.6 52.83 51.26 -3.0 注: B7试件粘结剂养护时间不足。 -
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