摘要: 为科学预测机场周围飞机噪声, 合理评价机场周围的声环境, 根据中国机场周围飞机噪声环境标准的要求, 结合民用机场建设工程环境影响评价技术导则所推荐的飞机噪声预测模式, 采用国际民航组织推荐的计权等效连续感觉噪声级作为机场飞机噪声的评价量, 开发了机场周围飞机噪声预测辅助系统。用该系统对某小型机场飞机噪声现状进行了计算, 并与实测结果进行了比较。发现噪声计算值与实测值最大误差为1.2 dB, 说明系统计算精度高。并用此系统对机场远期噪声影响进行预测, 可获得有效的噪声等值线图。Abstract: To scientifically predict aircraft noise and rationally estimate noise environment around airport, the standard of noise environment in China was analyzed, noise prediction model from the technical guidelines of environmental impact assessment for the constructional engineering of civil airport was studied, an aided prediction system of aircraft noise around airport was developed, in which the evaluation index of weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level recommended by International Civil Aviation Organization was introduced.The noise environment of a small scale airport was computed, and the computation value was compared with the measure value.Comparison result shows that the maximum error is 1.2 dB, which indicates that the calculation precision of the system is high.Moreover, the system may predict the future noise around airport, and give noise contours.
Key words:
- airport /
- aircraft noise /
- prediction system /
- noise contours
表 1 飞机噪声标准
Table 1. Aircraft noise standard
适用区域 适用范围 标准值/dB 一类 特殊住宅区: 居住与文教区 ≤70 二类 除一类以外的生活区 ≤75 表 2 飞机运行架次
Table 2. Aircraft operation sorties
机型 白天 傍晚 夜间 起飞 降落 起飞 降落 起飞 降落 现状 远期 现状 远期 现状 远期 现状 远期 现状 远期 现状 远期 CRJ200 1.00 3.50 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 0.29 1.50 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 B737-300 0.00 4.00 0.29 3.00 0.29 0.00 0.71 1.00 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 合计 1.00 7.50 1.29 7.00 1.29 2.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 表 3 计算值与实测值比较
Table 3. Comparison between calculation values and measure values
dB 测点编号 测点名称 测点位置 计算值 实测值 计算值与实测值之差 1 何家坝3组 菜地旁, 距跑道东端100 m, 垂直跑道距离为0 m 74.9 73.7 1.2 2 天堂村2组 菜地旁, 距跑道西端1 550 m, 垂直跑道距离为200 m 63.0 64.2 -1.2 3 矿区医院 住院部楼顶, 距跑道东端1 900 m, 垂直跑道距离为460 m 56.8 55.9 0.9 4 川化职院 操场, 距跑道东端1 600 m, 垂直跑道延长线距离为820 m 51.4 52.1 -0.7 -
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