摘要: 结合两联关节式集装箱平车采用关节连接器连接, 关节处共用一个转向架的特点, 考虑了轮轨接触几何关系、轮轨蠕滑力、各种悬挂特性和关节连接器等非线性因素, 应用NUCARS动力学仿真软件, 建立了两联关节式集装箱平车的数学模型, 采用数值仿真方法, 分析了车辆系统的运动稳定性、曲线通过性与运行平稳性。分析结果表明: 两联关节式集装箱平车的蛇行失稳临界速度具有一定的速度裕量, 曲线通过性能指标满足GB/T5599-1985规定的限度范围, 在120km·h-1的速度范围内, 车体的横向与垂向平稳性指标均小于3.5的优级标准, 因此, 两联关节式集装箱平车具有较好的动力学性能, 能够满足集装箱平车120km·h-1运输速度的要求。Abstract: Based on the characteristic that two carbodies of articulated container flat vehicle are connected with an articulated connector and a common articulated bogie is used at articulated position, a nonlinear mathematic model of the vehicle was established by using NUCARS dynamics simulation software, the nonlinearities were considered resulted from wheel/rail contact geometry, wheel/rail creep forces, nonlinear suspension characteristics and articulated connector, and its running stability, curve negotiating performance and riding comfortableness were studied by using numerical simulation method. Analysis result shows that the vehicle has enough high hunting critical speed, its curve negotiating performance indices are in the safe range required by GB/T 5599-1985, and the lateral and vertical indices of riding comfortableness are less than 3.5 at the running speed range of 120 km·h-1, so the vehicle has eximious dynamics performance, and meets the running requirement at 120 km·h-1.
表 1 车辆系统自由度
Table 1. Freedom degrees of vehicle system
自由度 纵向 横向 垂向 侧滚 点头 摇头 车体(i=1~2) Yci Zci Φci θci ψci 摇枕(j=1~3) Ybj Zbj Φbj ψbj 侧架(k=1~6) Xsfk Ysfk Zsfk θsfk ψsfk 轮对(n=1~6) Ywn Zwn Φwn ψwn -
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