摘要: 为方便、快速地分析多点输入轨道车辆的平稳性, 基于虚拟激励原理, 提出了平稳性分析方法。当车辆系统受多点全相关随机激励时, 应用此方法将多输入多输出系统的响应功率谱矩阵的计算化简为两个矢量相乘, 利用所获得的功率谱和随机振动中的反演技术, 分析轨道车辆的平稳性指标。以TR08磁浮车辆为原型, 建立了磁浮车辆的垂向动力学模型, 运用虚拟激励分析方法计算了磁浮车辆的响应功率谱。在频域中, 磁浮车辆车体中心处的Sperling指标为1.653, 车辆的平稳性等级为优, 通过反演运算获得了响应的幅值谱和时间历程, 分析过程简单, 计算结果准确。Abstract: In order to facilitate the riding quality analysis of multi-input tracked vehicle, a new analysis method was proposed based on pseudo-excitation algorithm. When vehicle system was subjected to multi-point coherent excitations, the method simplified the calculation of response PSD matrix for a MIMO(multi-input and multi-output) system into the product of two vectors, and with response PSD matrix and inverse analysis technique, the riding index of tracked vehicle can be obtained quickly. A vertical dynamics model of maglev vehicle was built based on TR08 vehicle, and its response spectrums were analyzed with the method. The Sperling index is 1.653 at the center of car body in frequency domain, the rank of riding quality is fine, the amplitude spectrum and time history of the response can be obtained by using inverse analysis technique, and the analysis procedure is convenient and fast, so the method is feasible.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- maglev vehicle /
- riding quality /
- pseudo-excitation analysis method
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