摘要: 为了减少车辆主动悬挂对外部能源的消耗, 设计了自供能量主动悬挂系统, 建立了车辆半车简化横向悬挂动力学模型, 设计了LQG控制器, 并利用随机振动理论分析了系统能量平衡存在的条件, 采用Matlab/Simulink对系统的运行效果进行了仿真。仿真分析结果表明: 自供能量主动悬挂系统比半主动和被动悬挂拥有更好的隔振效果, 且当直流电机作动器的等效阻尼系数大于规定值时, 系统在实现主动减振控制的同时还能够反馈能量。
- 铁道车辆 /
- 自供能量横向主动悬挂 /
- 等效阻尼系数 /
- 能量平衡
Abstract: In order to decrease the wastage of external energy for active suspension, a self-powered active suspension(SPAS) was designed, a reduced half carbody lateral suspension dynamics model of railway vehicle was established, the LQG controller was designed, the conditions insuring the energy balance of the suspension system were analyzed by using stochastic vibration principle, and its operating performances were simulated by Matlab/Simulink. The result indicates that self-powered active suspension has better isolated performance than semi-active and passive suspensions, and it realizes active vibration control and energy regeneration synchronously when the equivalent damping coefficient of DC motor actuator is greater than its critical value. -
表 1 仿真结果
Table 1. Simulation result
悬挂系统 主动悬挂 半主动悬挂 被动悬挂 车体横移加速度/(m·s-2) 0.056 25 0.097 74 0.149 8 车体侧滚角加速度/(rad·s-2) 0.050 57 0.089 51 0.150 0 前后电机作动器消耗的能量之和/J -11.12 -
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