摘要: 为了提高汽车制动的安全性, 对差动制动的力学特性进行了分析, 运用ADAMS/Car软件建立了汽车各子系统动力学模型, 通过对主要子系统进行相应的设置, 建立了整车动力学仿真模型, 进行了直线制动及转弯制动稳定性仿真分析, 研究了差动制动对制动稳定性的影响。仿真结果表明: 差动制动方式可以减小汽车转弯制动时的质心侧偏角, 提高汽车的制动稳定性, 但汽车质量对于制动稳定性影响较大, 因此, 应用差动制动时应注意制动力分配方式, 并考虑质量变化的影响。Abstract: To improve the braking safety of automobile, the mechanics characteristic of differential brake was analyzed, automotive subsystems models were built by applying ADAMS/Car, automotive mechanics simulation model was built by setting some main subsystems, beeline braking stability and turning braking stability were simulated, and the effect of differential brake on the stabilities was studied. Simulation result shows that differential brake can reduce the side-slip angle of mass center for automobile, and improve its braking stability when turning braking, but the effect of automotive mass on its braking stability is great, so the distribution mode of braking force and the effect of mass change should be considered while applying differential brake.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- differential brake /
- braking stability /
- simulation analysis
表 1 制动力
Table 1. Braking forces
N 工况 左前轮Flf 右前轮Frf 左后轮Flr 右后轮Frr A 300 300 300 300 B 350 250 250 350 C 400 200 200 400 D 450 150 150 450 -
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