摘要: 为了有效评价沥青混合料的高温抗变形性能, 应用旋转粘度试验、动态剪切流变试验与重复蠕变试验, 测试了粘度、车辙因子与蠕变模型参数, 利用伯格斯模型对高温蠕变试验数据进行了拟合, 结合沥青混合料高温车辙试验结果, 分析了3种高温流变指标与沥青混合料高温性能的相关性。分析结果表明:车辙因子在评价改性沥青混合料高温性能时并不适用, 模型参数与沥青混合料动稳定度的相关性最大, 达到0.9887, 说明蠕变参数可以准确地反映各种沥青混合料的高温抗变形性能。Abstract: In order to effectively evaluate the high-temperature performance of asphalt mixture, rotary viscosity test, dynamic shear rheometer test and repeated creep test were conducted, viscosity, rut factor and creep model index were tested, the data of high-temperature creep test were fitted by using Burgers model, and the relativities between three rheological indices and the high-temperature performance were analyzed. Analysis result shows that rut factor doesn't fit to evaluate the high-temperature performance of modified asphalt mixture, the relative degree between creep model index and the dynamic stability degree of asphalt mixture is maximum, gets to 0.988 7, so creep model index can reflect the high-temperature performance of all kinds of asphalt mixtures accurately..
表 1 常规指标测试结果
Table 1. Test result of nomal indices
编号 沥青名称 沥青种类 针入度 (25 ℃) /0.1mm 延度 (15 ℃) /cm 软化点/℃ 1 沥青A SBS改性 67.8 >150 66.8 2 沥青B AH-50 44.7 15 54.2 3 沥青C AH-70 63.9 >150 47.5 4 沥青D AH-90 88.4 >150 44.3 表 2 车辙试验结果
Table 2. Test result of wheel ruttings
指标 沥青名称 沥青A 沥青B 沥青C 沥青D 变形/mm 45 min 0.927 2.220 2.861 3.622 60 min 1.023 3.035 3.363 4.368 动稳定度/ (次·mm-1) 6 634 1 425 1 303 851 表 3 粘度测试结果
Table 3. Test result of viscosities
Pa·s 编号 沥青名称 沥青种类 粘度 60 ℃ 135℃ 1 沥青A SBS改性 >10 000.00 2.36 2 沥青B AH-50 746.00 0.75 3 沥青C AH-70 202.00 0.39 4 沥青D AH-90 151.00 0.33 表 4 动态剪切流变试验结果
Table 4. Test result of dynamic shear rheometers
沥青名称 沥青A 沥青B 沥青C 沥青D 沥青种类 SBS改性 AH-50 AH-70 AH-90 PG等级 PG70 PG70 PG64 PG64 原样沥青车辙因子/kPa 64 ℃ 3.953 5.689 2.631 1.682 70 ℃ 2.339 2.474 1.272 0.787 76 ℃ 1.514 1.120 0.745 0.386 经RTFOT后车辙因子/kPa 64 ℃ 5.714 4.766 3.402 2.551 70 ℃ 3.559 2.262 1.645 1.113 76 ℃ 1.991 1.034 0.827 0.782 表 5 参数拟合结果
Table 5. Fitting result of parameters
沥青名称 参数 G0 η0 G1 η1 沥青A 310.13 150.78 16.38 17.61 沥青B 5 067.32 34.76 687.90 120.05 沥青C 963.80 15.74 59.98 66.57 沥青D 384.05 6.99 1.96 22.66 -
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